

Most people have heard about laparoscopy in one way or another. Whether it is on your Facebook page, a WhatsApp group chat, or an advertisement. Or perhaps your doctor recommended it to you and here you are, researching it. If you’ve questions about the procedure, you’re at the right place. So, let’s talk about it!

The easiest way to understand laparoscopic surgery is to think of a keyhole. If you wanted to see what was happening inside a locked room, the easier way to do so – given that the door is not made of glass – is to use a keyhole. Think of your body as a locked room, your walls of skin and muscle rendering it very much opaque, not transparent. So, to look at what is going on inside without open surgery, doctors put you under anesthesia and make a small incision through which they insert a surgical tool called a laparoscope. This is a small incision near the abdomen, bowels or belly button. Your surgeon may use it to diagnose problems in the pelvis, uterus or gall bladder.

You might ask – what are the benefits of keyhole surgery, compared to a traditional surgery?

1. Minimally invasive surgery.

For one, it’s a surgical technique that requires just a small cut thus leading to shorter recovery time. Laparoscopy makes sure there is a tiny opening for foreign bodies to enter your abdominal, intestinal, pelvic or other vulnerable areas. This also means a lower risk of infection. Moreover, the stitches or surgical sutures that a surgeon makes on any of the areas of the body are tiny cuts which lead to less scarring.

2. Recovery time.

Laparoscopic surgery will always have a faster recovery time. In fact, it should not be more than a couple of days before you can have someone drive you home. We have had patients who were free to go home the same day. We have visibly seen improved patient outcomes with minimally invasive surgical techniques. Postoperative care, when using the laparoscopic procedure, is so minimal – the instructions very easy to follow, like, you need to avoid eating – that the recovery room may not even be touched post-surgery.

3. Less discomfort.

Creating a working space inside the body upon which surgeries can be performed thanks to a video camera and the surgeon’s ability to see inside your body on a video monitor – and magnify anything they need to – makes for surgeries that are overwhelmingly successful. In diagnostic laparoscopy, depending on the type of surgery out of the various kinds of operations possible, the surgeon uses narrow instruments that give them a wide working and viewing space.

Types of Laparoscopy – the kinds of operations performed using a laparoscope

There is a vast array of laparoscopic surgery uses. Many abdominal surgeries like Bariatric surgery and intestinal surgeries are performed using laparoscopy. It is instrumental in removing a portion of the intestine – frequently used to treat digestive problems like diverticulitis or Crohn’s disease that don’t respond to medicine fixing a groyne , Different types of  hernias like Umbilical Hernia, Hiatus Hernia, Inguinal Hernia etc..

  • Gastric bypass or weight loss surgery ( Bariatric Surgeries).
  • Cancer is another major player removed. Surgery may be particularly useful in removing all or part of a cancer-affected organ, such as the prostate, liver, kidney, colon, abdominal walls or ovaries.
  • It may be performed to take cysts, fibroids, stones, and polyps out.
  • For uterus removal, the technique is called hysterectomy, and it is usually done to treat heavy or painful periods, endometriosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

A lot of people confuse laparoscopy with a biopsy but they are not always the same. Often, laparoscopy is used to diagnose various cancers, especially of the liver, pancreas, ovaries, bile duct
or gallbladder, and colorectal cancer. In this case, a small tissue is brought out and examined. This is called a biopsy.

What to Expect During and After Laparoscopic Surgery

You won’t remember the laparoscopy because it is done when you are unconscious and under general anaesthesia. You may also be able to return home within 24hrs to 48 hours after the procedure, depending upon types of procedure or surgery.

You will be instructed on how to care for your wounds before you leave the hospital, as well as when to schedule a follow-up appointment or have your stitches removed (although dissolvable stitches are often used).

You might experience some soreness or stiffness where the incisions were made for a few days following the treatment, especially if a breathing tube was required. A painkiller will be provided to you to aid with the pain.

After the surgery, some of the gas utilised to inflate your abdomen may still be present. This could result in bloating, cramps or shoulder aches because the gas might irritate your diaphragm (the breathing muscle), which can irritate shoulder nerve endings.

Once your body has absorbed the residual gas, these sensations shouldn’t last more than a day. They are therefore nothing to be concerned about.

Risks and Complications of Laparoscopic Surgery

  1. Unsanitary surgical instruments

A medical center may fail to use the right surgical instruments when performing laparoscopy. This includes trocars. The trochar, once the abdomen is inflated and the laparoscope is inserted, serves as a doorway for inserting additional tools like graspers, scissors, staplers, et cetera afterwards. Trochars also enable the escape of carbon dioxide gas or liquid from bodily organs and the abdominal cavity. These trochars may be placed in the abdominal or pelvic areas and unsanitary ones could lead to further infections or worse.

  1. Possible complications

Complications resulting from a laparoscopy also include:

  • bleeding and the potential need for a blood transfusion
  • Infection – can ben controlled with special care of sterilization.
  • a risk of damage to internal structures, such as blood vessels, the stomach, bowel, bladder, or ureter
  • adverse reactions to anesthesia
  • abdominal inflammation or infection
  • blood clots


It is important to note that the majority of issues and risks arise due to neglect, lack of infrastructure and equipment and/or doctors who are untrained or do not specialize in laparoscopy. Like everything else in medicine, a surgeon may need years of training before he or she is able to perform laparoscopic surgery with great success rates. This is why at Radiance Hospitals, we make sure we have world-class infrastructure and equipment as well as specialists in laparoscopy. This is what makes Radiance Hospitals one of the best laparoscopic hospitals in Ahmedabad and the world over.

Love yourself enough to give yourself the best care available. Come over to Radiance Hospitals and we’ll take care of it all.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

Joints are one of the most significant pain areas globally. Almost everyone goes through joint pain in one form or another throughout their lives. This could be due to a wide number of causes from arthritis, gout, overuse, infections, injuries and so on. From a dull throb that doesn’t go away to the feeling of sharp knives in your joints, pain can come in any form. However, sometimes the pain becomes too much, comes too frequently or is chronic.

When it starts affecting your life and how much you can function, it becomes a threat to your way of living. This is when you should start looking for solutions to pain. Over-the-counter medicines work to an extent. Rather than keeping the focus on how to elevate the pain, it is better to diagnose the main cause. One of the best ways to achieve that is by arthroscopic surgery. Here is a complete guide.

What is Arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose joint issues. The doctor can use arthroscopy to view inside a joint without making a large incision. While this could be for purely diagnostic reasons, it is also to help repair problems. With the help of one small incision, additional small incisions and narrow surgical instruments, orthopedic surgeons can even fix some types of joint injury during arthroscopy.

While Arthroscopy can be performed on any limb with a joint, the more common ones are arthroscopic knee surgery and total hip arthroscopy. This is usually undertaken when the knee joint or the cartilage, soft tissue or ligament within is inflamed or aching.

How is Arthroscopic Surgery Performed?

Some components of arthroscopy are quite common, even though the experience varies based on why you’re having the operation and which joint is involved. Once you are brought into the operation room and lay on the bed, your hand or forearm will receive an intravenous catheter from a nurse.

Depending on the type of surgery you are going to undergo, our doctors will carefully choose whether to give General / Spinal anesthesia for the particular procedure.

The Benefits of Arthroscopic Surgery

When compared and contrasted against traditional surgery, or open surgery, arthroscopic techniques present a bouquet of benefits.

1. Lower risk of infection

Since there is a tiny incision through which the orthopaedic surgeons perform all operative procedures arthroscopically, it keeps the area mostly sterile which reduces the chances of other infection transmitting.

2. Lower risk of complications

Since arthroscopy requires imaging, this allows the surgeon to diagnose injuries, repair or remove damaged tissue, repair tendons view the joint space and possible complications without the need for traditional open surgery.

3. Lesser recovery period

Every arthroscopy procedure, including knee arthroscopy, is a minimally invasive procedure. This drastically reduces the recovery time. A shorter time to heal makes it easier to get back to your routine. Plus, you may benefit from less pain!

Tips for a Successful Arthroscopy

While this is a much safer procedure than traditional surgery, there are a few conditions as well that you would benefit from following. There are two stages of preparation needed to ensure a smooth procedure.


Control medication

There may be a certain list of medications that your healthcare provider asks you to avoid. Make sure you follow these instructions carefully for a safe and smooth procedure. Some medications can lead to serious harm if not stopped, for example, blood thinning pills may stop blood clots from forming.

Control food intake

Fasting is the best idea before an arthroscopy. Your doctor may recommend certain food items not to be eaten or ingested.

Arrange a ride back home

Make sure there is someone to drive you back home. While this is a relatively safe procedure, there is a chance you may fall asleep at the wheel, or flare up synovitis – swelling in the affected joint – based on your joint conditions.

Choose to clothe with care

Free loose clothing is highly recommended. Tight clothes can mash your bones together leading to problems in the future.


There are a few things you should do following your surgery to help.

See a physiotherapist

Just because you’re not in the operating room anymore and have moved to the outpatient area does not mean all the problems inside your joints are healed. Physical therapy is very important at this stage. Always make sure you are doing the prescribed exercise. This is an integral part of your rehabilitation. It ensures your range of motion stays the same and doesn’t lead to additional issues in the affected joint. Bandages may help reduce swelling and help tam synovium but always ask your surgeon first.

Expect improvements step-by-step

Remember that this is not a miracle cure-all. It takes a little bit of time. While this is a procedure that allows for faster healing, it is not instant. Be patient with yourself and soon, it will all be better.

Avoid strenuous exercise

Motion is good but your joint needs to heal. Soft exercises like yoga or tai chi help, but don’t jump into workouts.

RICE – rest, ice, compress and elevate the joint.

Use a crutch if needed

Don’t be shy when it comes to your health. Use any devices that you get better faster, including crutches.

Enquire and show up for appointments

If you have more swollen areas, it is not always advisable to tie a tourniquet around it and call us. Make sure you don’t take any steps that lead to a pitfall of more pain. Call us or book appointments for regular checkups and at any other time when you are wondering what to do.

At Radiance Hospitals, your health is our highest priority. This is why we only have the best arthroscopic surgeons and state-of-the-art infrastructure making us one of the best places for Arthroscopy surgery in Ahmedabad and the world over. Choose to give yourself the best. Choose Radiance Hospitals.

Written By : Radiance Hospital
Knee replacement surgery in Ahmedabad

5 tips for a successful knee replacement surgery

When knee pain is making your life hard and making things very painful or even impossible to perform, knee replacement surgery can come as a blessing to many people. Despite that, knee replacement surgery, just like any other surgery can feel like a huge thing to do. Even though it doesn’t come with many risks and is a simpler procedure that has become better over time, some fear is ordinary. So if you have decided to undergo knee replacement surgery, here are the top 5 tips that you can follow:

Background checks

Background checks are important for everything, especially when it comes to your health. Make sure that the hospital you choose has all the right facilities you will need after knee replacement surgery. Many hospitals lack even the basic care you will need.

At Radiance Hospitals we ensure you have world-class facilities, international standard care and the best amenities so you never have to worry about care during the process to give you the highest standard of treatment for knee replacement surgery in Ahmedabad.

The next most crucial step you can take to ensure a successful total knee arthroplasty is selecting a doctor with the appropriate training and experience. The more knee replacements the doctor has performed the better equipped he or she is to foresee and avoid difficulties. All of our staff at Radiance Hospitals is highly trained and experienced. We ensure that we have some of the best experts for knee replacement surgery in Ahmedabad and internationally.

Additionally, you ought to call with a list of inquiries for your doctor’s visit. Inquire about the various surgical options, potential risks, the length of the recovery period, and post-operative pain management techniques. It will be easier for you and your loved ones to adhere to your treatment plan if you have reasonable expectations.

Planning for the procedure

Planning is the first step to having a successful knee joint surgery. Prepare for the procedure with your mind, body and home.

Get whatever assistive devices you might require following knee replacement surgery. Orthopaedic gadgets you might require, depending on how you feel following surgery, are

  • crutches, a cane, or a walker as walking aids
  • sock aids and shoehorns
  • Grab bars all over the house at a proper height
  • An elevated toilet seat
  • bath chair

There are other things necessary for recovery after knee surgery that reduce recovery time like

  • Remove trip risks to prevent falls. Ensure that your floors are tidy.
  • Make a path for walking around any furnishings.
  • Put the things you’ll need close at hand.
  • To pick up objects that are low to the earth, keep a gripping tool close by.
  • Give safety rails in your bathroom some thought.
  • Set up a single-story dwelling area.

Rest, recovery and physical therapy

Surgery is just one step in the journey. You must be prepared for the part after the surgery – the recovery process and rehabilitation. The recovery time for a knee surgery varies based on the procedure used, the anaesthetic used, your overall health, your age, and other elements. After a joint replacement, physical therapy and medication to manage pain are crucial components of the healing process. You’ll gradually improve knee function while experiencing reduced discomfort. It can take about 15 days to 1 moth to fully recover after surgery. In some cases Depends on comorbidities / age of the patient also.

Patients who do the following are the most likely to do the following:

  • Give rest and recovery proper importance

Maintaining your routine is crucial. Follow any instructions provided by your physician, and carry out all the exercises that your physical therapist suggests. Attend all of your physical therapy sessions as well as your surgeon’s follow-up appointments. Take prescription medications as directed and never stop taking any medications without first consulting your doctor.

  • Avoid undue stress on the knee

Avoid lifting any heavy objects that can put too much stress on your artificial knee since you run the risk of breaking it. Make sure to turn your full body when facing a new way to prevent twisting your knee. Always be very aware of your posture when you sit, kneel, or bend over.

  • Take Recommended Supplements and Vitamins

43% of patients going for orthopaedic surgery, according to one research, have insufficient levels of vitamin D. Many orthopaedic patients also take iron supplements to help their blood count recover from surgery. Never be afraid to discuss vitamins or supplements with your doctor to help with your recovery.

Pain-relief hacks

Pain can be a big problem immediately after surgery. You should concentrate on healing but never forget about pain control. A step essential to the recovery process, especially for outpatients recovering from knee surgery with a new joint is dealing with chronic pain in the first couple of weeks. It is normal to not know how to deal with pain and swelling, scar tissue and to get back to daily tasks, regular activity levels and normal function. Effective pain management helps you heal as quickly as possible. It is important to remember that this pain is only temporary and progress with physical recovery can relieve pain with a few hacks such as –

  • Compression Stockings

For six weeks, you should use compression stockings on both legs. You can remove them from time to time to wash them. These stockings reduce swelling and prevent blood clots from forming in your legs, among other potential health issues. Patients with total joint replacements should always wear thigh-high compression stockings on the surgical leg. Take care of your new knee and avoid all knee injuries. Understand that you may have a smaller range of motion in the beginning but this is not a setback.

Knee compression plays a crucial role. If the stockings don’t fit you comfortably, it’s likely you’ll also use a calf-high compression stocking and wrap the knee and lower thigh in two 6-inch compression bandages as a backup. Wear thigh-high stockings and a stockings-wrap combo to hold the dressing in place.

  • Hot and Cold Treatment

Three to six months after surgery, despite rehab, inflammation following knee replacement may persist. During the first few days following surgery, it is typically advised that you apply an ice pack several times a day for around 20 to 30 minutes to help reduce inflammation and pain. When the initial swelling has subsided, alternately applying heat and ice to the affected area will help to loosen up the muscles and reduce stiffness. If ice doesn’t reduce swelling or if you believe prolonged durations of cold or heat might be beneficial, consult your doctor or physical therapist.

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining good health will promote quicker recovery after surgery. An active lifestyle helps speed your recovery. Other choices you need to make are regarding a healthy diet, home exercises and an excellent care team like the one at Radiance Hospitals. If you smoke, try to cut back or stop because it causes your blood vessels to constrict, which slows the healing process. If you are on a blood thinner or narcotic painkillers, stay away from alcohol. Reduce your weight because being overweight puts more strain on your knee and might delay healing. Finally, once your doctor gives the all-clear, engage in low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or pedalling a stationary bike to strengthen the muscles in your legs and increase blood flow generally.

Ask for help to help speed recovery

Your body may experience a hard time recovering, especially with arthritis. One of the best tips to help speed recovery from a total knee replacement is to ask for support from friends and family.
Organize child or pet care, if necessary. This can ensure that your loved ones are taken care of and reduce any stress you may be experiencing.

Create a meal plan to eat a healthy diet. Ask your loved ones to bring you nutritious meals while you heal or to assist you in preparing meals that you can freeze in advance.

Get help for domestic tasks and other needs. Employing a special nurse is also a great idea.

Most Importantly physiotherapy: If your doctor suggests than go for physio therapy for 15 to 20 days after surgery which gives a fast and better results.

Take precautions to protect the new joint’s strength and range of motion. Expect to you a cane or walker, take pain medication and engage in activities that decrease the risk of high pain levels.

Don’t forget your therapy appointments.

Never forget to ask one of our professionals any questions you may have or for any health information regarding joint replacement surgery. Keep in mind that you can reach us even via phone. Never again be concerned about difficulties related to obesity with Radiance Hospitals by your side.

Remember to always listen to our experts and let us know if you need further help or resources. We are always here for you.

Read More – How to Deal With Knee Pain? Dos and Don’ts

Written By : Radiance Hospital
Hip Replacement in Ahmedabad

Hip replacement surgery tips for a successful procedure

Pain of any kind is hard to deal with but it is doubly true for chronic hip pain. When medication and physical therapies don’t work and when it starts affecting your day-to-day life, surgery becomes a really good option to avoid long-term issues. While it sounds like a risky option, we know that in today’s day and age, medicine has progressed so much that it is not a very risky procedure anymore.

There can be many reasons besides just pain that you may opt for surgery. Whether it is severe arthritis or a damaged hip, hip replacement surgery can help solve these problems. This is a relatively common option that can change your life for the better.

Here are a few tips from our experts at Radiance Hospitals to make your journey a little easier and the procedure a success.

Make careful choices

One of the most important things you will do for yourself is the choices you make for hip replacement surgery and successful recovery. Everything from the hospital you choose to the doctors and specialists you decide upon play a crucial role in the success of your operation. Moreover, the procedure you discuss with your team and decide upon may well determine how successful the operation is for you in the long run.

At Radiance Hospitals we make sure to equip ourselves with world-renowned doctors, specialists and experts so you have the best outcome out for hip replacement in Ahmedabad. Moreover, we have state-of-the-art technology, ensuring that we only deliver the highest quality of treatment to you.

Plan everything in advance.

The procedure should not be where your planning begins. You need to arrange everything well in advance. One of the easiest ways to do it is to create multiple checklists.

The first checklist can be about the questions you need to ask your doctor.

The first question on that checklist should be Is a joint replacement currently the best course of treatment for me? What other therapies should I consider? You should also make it a point to ask about

  • How well the total hip replacement surgery works with someone my age and what problems might I have?
  • What will be my recovery time?
  • What to do prior to the surgery to ensure a successful hip replacement surgery? There are often specific things you need to do without others having to go through the same. One example is weight loss. Prosthetic hip replacements are designed for every weight. If you have a high body fat percentage, you might need to lose some weight.
  • What are the possible side effects or hazards of the procedure?
  • Which medical issues (diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure) require a visit with my primary care physician?
  • How long will I have to stay in the hospital after the procedure?
  • How should I spend the evening before my procedure?
  • Can I talk to other hip replacement patients?
  • How to care for my new hip?

Get your home post-operation care ready.

  • Ensure that everything you require is nearby and on the ground floor, as this will be where you spend the majority of your time.
  • Have a low enough bed so that when you sit on the edge of the bed, your feet are on the floor. Your mattress should be firm.
  • Have a restroom or a portable toilet on the floor you’ll spend the majority of your day on.
  • Stock up on toilet paper, shampoo, and other personal supplies.
  • Make your own single-serve meals or purchase them.
  • Make sure you can access everything you need without having to bend over or stand on tiptoes.
  • Stock a cabinet at your waist and shoulder level with food and other essentials.
  • In the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and other areas you will use, place a chair with a sturdy back. You can sit down and complete your everyday duties here.

Focus on hip replacement recovery.

Do not take recovery time lightly. It is a crucial stage in the long run. For a successful total hip replacement surgery and long-term success, follow the instructions of our physical therapist word for word. Moreover, follow the instructions of our surgeons to make sure there are no future complications. Trust the recovery process.

If there is something he or she tells you to do that you cannot do, please talk to them about it and they will help you figure out the next best alternative.

Follow the exercise plan assigned to you by our physical therapist. A good recovery from total hip replacement surgery happens via exercise, a healthy diet and body weight, taking precautions against blood clots, taking care of the incision wound and good nutrition.

According to research, patients continue to gain advantages from physical therapy that prioritised enhancing walking abilities after the first three months of treatment.

It’s beneficial to engage in light exercise, including taking short, leisurely walks around your house or outside. In the weeks following surgery, supervised physical therapy, such as rehabilitation programmes and hydrotherapy, can also aid in improving recovery.

In order to avoid overdoing it, your Orthopaedic Care staff will be able to assist you with this. Overdoing things could cause you to feel greater pain and lose confidence. Striking a balance between exercising and resting is crucial.

Return to normalcy steadily.

Don’t take everything on all at once and never try to speed up recovery. Most hip joint surgery patients are able to walk from the next day of surgery.

You may therefore be tempted to get back to normal life and activities as soon as possible. However, you should refrain from taking part in the more active hobbies you enjoy, like getting back to the gym. Understand how delicate hip and knee replacement procedures can be.

Different sports can put different kinds of strain on the body. It may hinder your therapy after hip replacement surgery. The worst-case scenario is hip dislocation. So if you don’t want to keep visiting the surgery center and starting a collection of every hip prosthesis in the market, pay attention to daily activities and physical therapy after hip replacement and respect the recovery period following your surgery.

Regardless of whether it is the right hip or the left hip, all our hip replacement patients are given strong dos and don’t’s for the coming weeks of your recovery and care instructions for the artificial hip. It’s important to follow the advice from your team at Radiance Hospitals.

Get help after hip surgery.

Surgery may leave you needing support with showering, using the restroom, cooking, running errands, shopping, visiting the doctor, and exercising. Talk with your family and friends and make sure you have people to support you through recovery after surgery. If not, consider going to rehab, joining a recovery program, renting a recovery room or asking our experts what would be the best option for you. Ask our expert doctors about having a trained carer visit your home if you don’t have anyone to help you during the first one or two weeks following surgery. This individual can also assist you with daily tasks and check on the safety of your home.

Nurses guide you through every step to help you prevent injury or dislocation, reduce the risk of infection, prevent blood clots, help with wound care, improve blood flow, help you in tolerating arthritis pain and other tasks that are disruptive to handle like physical therapy exercises or perform measures such as activity modification after leaving the hospital. Also, an important role they play is to increase your mobility and ability to accomplish all the tasks you need in your daily life around the house. It may be as simple as just using the bathroom in privacy, but it helps to re-acclimate to daily life around with increased strength and mobility. Moreover, it also ensures that someone will be available if you need anything leading to a high success rate of recovery following orthopedic surgery.

For total hip replacement recovery, also consider

  • a long-handled sponge for the shower
  • a long-handled shoehorn
  • use a walker, cane, or crutches
  • a reacher to aid with putting on your pants, taking off your socks, and picking up objects from the floor
  • a tool to assist you in putting on your socks
  • handles in the bathroom

With Radiance Hospitals care team by your side, you will never be puzzled about what to do next or how to resolve any issues during your weeks of recovery. We believe in honesty, so you will understand all you need to know about the procedure. Come have a consultation with our orthopaedic surgery specialists and our orthopaedic surgeon.

Read More – Why does joint pain increase during winter? And 8 ways to cure it.

Written By : Radiance Hospital