

Have you made up your mind to get bariatric surgery done? Good. It is the right call. You deserve a healthier lifestyle. You want to lose weight and keep it that way. Now that you are preparing for bariatric surgery, you must be surrounded with nervousness for surgery. And it is quite normal to feel so. A surgery, however simple or quick, is a surgery. And it is supposed to give you anxiety. Your mind will run wild thinking about it. But you can’t let it spiral you down negatively. You need to keep a healthy emotional state so your body responds to the surgery the way it is meant to. It is very important for your surgery to be successful.

When you’re prepared mentally for your bariatric surgery, you program your mind to respond to the surgery. You channel the positivity and make the surgery count. It is very important to stay in the right headspace before you go for bariatric surgery. If you’re feeling a little nervous and anxious, we are here to clear all of your doubts. Let’s see how you can be ready for your bariatric surgery:

  • Keep your expectations real

Before you even think of getting bariatric surgery, you need to be real with yourself. It is a surgery. It is not a magical spell. You can’t expect to be slim and fit as soon as you get bariatric surgery. It takes time. It takes patience. And it takes a lot of hard work. Bariatric surgery is just a method to help you lose weight. Your determination is what will help you lose weight. The surgery will just make your stomach smaller. It is on you to stay active and have a healthy diet to go with it. Moreover, the surgery works differently for everyone. You can’t expect the same result as your friend’s. The anatomy differs person to person and how it responds to the surgery also differs. The process takes time and effort. Stay at it and have faith.

  • No need to do it all alone

This is a journey that needs to be done with your family. If you think you can do it alone, think again. Surgery always takes a toll on a person. You have your loved ones right there to support you. Why shut them out? Get them involved in your decision-making. Talk to them freely. Talk to them about your day-to-day life difficulties due to obesity. Talk about your insecurities and fears. If you don’t feel like talking to your family, talk to a close friend. If that is also out of the question, talk to a professional. The emotional support from others will help you keep track of your goals and keep you motivated throughout the process. Along with this, there are some things you can do to educate yourself and talk to likeminded people. You can sign up for online / offline seminars, join virtual support groups or work with a personal trainer.

  • Find out if you have a food addiction

This needs to be sorted out as soon as possible. If you do have a food addiction, the surgery or any other weight loss method won’t make much difference. You need to take care of it even before the surgery. You can take the help of a mental health care professional (Qualified Psychologist). He can help you identify how severe the problem is and what can be healthy alternatives. People see food as a way to relieve stress. They overeat as a result of this and that’s where the problem of obesity starts. You need to understand that this is not the solution. It will only give pleasure for a short time. In the long run, it will only bring more problems. Learn to control your addiction by eating slowly. Take at least 20 minutes to finish your meal. Have more healthy food which helps to maintain weight. All of these will improve your metabolism and sleep which will lead to a healthier you.

  • Stay away from other addictions

These addictions include alcohol, tobacco or drug dependency. They seem unrelated to the process of weight loss but it is just not true. Alcohol is very high in calories. This adds a lot to your weight. It also makes you eat more. After bariatric surgery, the effects of it will be more than usual. Tobacco increases the risk of complications during bariatric surgery. It is responsible for respiratory issues and stomach ulcers. It is best to get rid of these addictions from your life before you go for bariatric surgery. This way bariatric surgery will give better results.

  • Asking your questions and doubts regarding bariatric surgery 

One more thing comes in the process of bariatric surgery. And that is asking questions to your doctors. Make a list of questions and doubts. Educate yourself with weight loss surgery consultation. You can start with asking:

Question1: How many kilograms of weight loss should I expect? 

Question2: What medical tests do I need to do before bariatric surgery?

Question3: What effect will it have on my cardiovascular health?

Question4: Are there any risks involved with the surgery?

Question5: Can it help manage my type 2 diabetes?

Question6: How quickly will I start losing weight?

Question7: How long is the recovery process?

Question8: Is the surgery reversible?

Question9: When can I see relief in my joint pain?

Question10: Is there any chase of weight gain even after weight loss surgery?

Bariatric surgery can be life-changing and can enhance Quality of Life. But only when done by specialists under their expert guidelines. Radiance Hospitals have state-of-the-art equipment and a specialized team to oversee the whole procedure. Choose Radiance Hospitals for your bariatric consultation and surgery. Contact us now.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

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