

According to the article in mint by Michelle Fay Cortez, Bloomberg, 40% is the reduction in risk of death and heart complications for patients with diabetes and obesity who have undergone weight-loss surgery.

The various kinds of weight-loss surgeries help you lose weight and lower your risk of medical problems associated with obesity.

Let’s take a quick insight into the types of weight loss surgery and its benefits:

Sleeve Gastrectomy

In this procedure, the surgeon removes approx. 60 to 70% of the stomach and what remains is a narrow sleeve which connects to the intestines.

Since this procedure does not affect intestines, the body absorbs food due to which the person does not fall short of nutrients.

Gastric Bypass surgery

In this procedure the stomach is divided into two parts by the surgeon. The upper stomach is then connected directly to the lower section of the small intestine. In short, a shortcut is created for the food, bypassing part of the stomach and small intestine.

Weight loss in Gastric Bypass surgery is quick and almost 50% of the weight is lost after the first 6 months of the surgery.

Gastric Balloon/Intra-gastric Balloon System

In this procedure, a deflated balloon is placed in the stomach through the mouth. Once it is placed properly, it is filled with saline solution that provides a sense of fullness thereby curbing the hunger.

Gastric balloon/Intra-gastric balloon system does not require more hospital stay. The balloon is temporary, stays for 6 months to 1 year (2 types of balloon available – for 6 months and for 1 year) months and a person loses approx 12 to 17 kg of the body weight in the first 6 months.

Which Weight Loss surgery is the best?

A person should opt for a weight loss surgery depending on his/her BMI, Medical condition, comorbidities, and body type.

The best advice and guidance can be given by an expert and we at Radiance Hospitals are equipped to make sure you do not face any hassles while going for a weight loss surgery.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

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