How to Address Anxiety Before Bariatric Surgery
“Surgery” is a word that brings with it a lot of anxiety and panic. People often imagine it as a worst-case scenario and fill their mind with bariatric surgery complications rather than the treatment that it is. With rising fears in the media, the medical industry is sometimes looked at with a suspicious or fearful gaze.
It is completely common to experience anxiety prior to surgery, especially the day or two before, when patients are frequently in the hospital getting ready for the procedure. People occasionally undergo day surgeries, where they go to the hospital or doctor’s office, have the procedure, and then leave the same day to return home. Even so, it can be challenging to avoid worrying beforehand about the procedure, any potential hazards, and the anaesthetic.
Effects of Anxiety before Surgery
Stress and unpleasant sensations might result from severe anxiety. Shortness of breath, nausea, an anxious stomach, a hammering heart, a racing heart (rapid pulse), irregular heartbeat, and sleep issues are typical symptoms. People who experience pain from a cardiac problem may find these anxiety-related symptoms to be especially concerning. Anxiety can worsen pain and make it more difficult to cope with it. However, the bodily manifestations of anxiety are typically not a warning that a heart disease is deteriorating.
When anxiety makes it more difficult for you to comprehend and recall crucial information regarding the procedure, such as instructions on how to get ready for it or how to recover from it, it also poses a difficulty.
Understanding Anxiety
Understanding how anxiety affects you is the first step you can take to combat it. Anxiety is a powerful emotion. Its role includes defending us from harm. As a result, anxiety may prevent you from entering potentially harmful circumstances in the first place. The “fight-or-flight response” is another reaction that helps your body get ready so you can protect yourself or run away from the threat. Because of this, anxiety makes you tense and raises your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. However, if there is no actual threat, this response is ineffective and may even be harmful. This is especially true if you keep worrying about bariatric surgery complications or bariatric surgery before and after without any fruitful solution.
Some typical concerns with bariatric weight loss surgery include the following.
Solutions to the Anxiety
Most people eventually develop the skills necessary to control their own anxiety and deal with scary situations. They come up with effective coping mechanisms to deal with the anxiety-inducing situations. But coming to the hospital and undergoing surgery is frequently an entirely different experience due to the fear of bariatric surgery complications. Here, friends and family are frequently required for both emotional and practical help especially before bariatric surgery.
The good news is that you may already be doing something to help!
Pre-operative anxiety can be managed in a variety of ways by different people.
1. Facts and Figures
Some people make an effort to avoid anxiety or stress by gathering knowledge beforehand and discussing their worries with others. In fact, it’s critical and highly recommended to consider surgical statistics before bariatric surgery. Over the past several decades, surgery has advanced significantly. Surgery is now safer and more effective than ever thanks to new tools, technologies, and methods. In the case of bariatric weight loss surgery, this is especially true.
With a miniscule complication rate that is comparable to that of a simple gallbladderectomy, bariatric surgery is currently one of the safest surgical treatments available. Modern methods and tools give us the greatest versatility with the least amount of risk. Additionally, having surgery with highly skilled surgeons like our doctors and specialists lowers the danger of the operation and increases the likelihood of long-term weight loss success.
2. Distraction and relaxation
Many employ reading, exercise, or relaxation methods to divert their attention. According to numerous research, listening to music prior to surgery helps reduce anxiety. You can unwind and get distracted from the thought of bariatric surgery complications with music. Depending on your unique musical preferences, you will benefit from listening to different kinds of music. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, exercises and more will help to alleviate anxiety and clear your mind. These are also useful after surgery, so it is always a good thing to start sooner rather than later. Stress is a leading cause of anxiety and weight gain and can be detrimental to your weight loss success.
3. Support groups
Talking to support groups can be exceptionally helpful as talking to other patients about their experiences with bariatric weight loss surgery can help to a great extent in reducing your worry. Try to fully grasp the procedure and how it will be for you from the viewpoint of other patients who have been through it before. Ask them about any bariatric surgery complications they faced as well as bariatric surgery before and after differences. This opens doors to finding out more about the outcomes that other people have encountered. You may also start enjoying the thought of possible weight loss for yourself.
It is imperative to speak with those who are or have been in similar circumstances. Even just the prospect of the procedure can make you feel depressed. It’s crucial to minimise the psychological effects of the procedure and take advice from people who have already gone through it. They’ll be able to offer their knowledge and assist you in making sensible goals. In many ways, this gives patients more confidence to proceed with surgery and properly prepare for recovery.
4. Talk to our experts
Oftentimes, even with anxiety, there are problems that doctors can easily solve that non-professionals or people not from the field of education cannot. In case your anxiety won’t go down, always come to Radiance Hospitals. In a hospital, patients ought to be able to take certain things for granted. For instance, the hospital stay should be as comfortable as possible, waiting times should be kept to a minimum, and the staff should be aware of the patients’ needs.
Counsellors, social workers, or volunteers who offer support and assistance are typically available in hospitals. Depending on what is triggering the anxiety, the best kind of expert support will be determined. Someone who is apprehensive about getting anaesthesia, for instance, will require a different kind of assistance than someone who is more worried about being in a hospital or someone worried about bariatric surgery before and after.
What NOT to do:
Firstly, avoid looking for accounts of bariatric weight loss surgery gone wrong or difficulties that people have encountered. No medical operation is guaranteed to be effective, and there will always be horror stories- no matter how rare – online. Your anxiousness will only grow as a result of reading about these. Just because a voice is loud doesn’t mean it speaks for the majority. Instead, discuss the potential risks and how to avoid them with your surgeon at your consultation. People who suffer issues frequently haven’t closely followed their postoperative instructions or have been slack with their wound care and recovery practices. Some may have gone to hospitals that employ less experienced surgeons.
Secondly, don’t keep it all to yourself. It’s critical to let your support network know about your worries and fears. And don’t feel bad; nobody who underwent surgery has ever been completely unnerved. Let us assist you in transforming your fear into anticipation.
Patients who are concerned about their long-term weight loss can feel reassured knowing that they have a lot of control on their achievement. Surgery for weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. The main determinant of success is how dedicated you are to your new way of living and improved health.
Please remember that Radiance Hospitals is always open to you if you have any questions about surgery. We can assist you in deciding if surgery, particularly bariatric surgery, is the right course of action. In order to better understand your goals and determine whether surgery is the best option for you, we look forward to having an honest conversation with you.
And always keep in mind: With Radiance Hospitals by your side, you will never fight alone.