

How to Deal With Knee Pain?  Dos And Don’ts

Do you find that your knee pain prevents you from carrying out your everyday tasks? Knee pain is one of the most chronic pains a person can experience. It can get better or worse, depending on a lot of factors. Surprisingly enough, studies suggest that people who live with pain usually tend to have a high tolerance for that pain. The worst days are when the pain changes; when it feels like a stabbing sensation as opposed to an ache or if it suddenly occurs in your opposite knee than it usually does; when it wakes you up at night rather than hurting in the afternoon.

Knee pain is one of the aches that most people suffer from but also one of the pains that can cause the most suffering. With bad knees, your entire lifestyle may be in trouble. From difficult physically challenging activities like mountain climbing to something as simple as catching a bus at a bus station is made harder if you have chronic knee pain and don’t opt for knee joint pain treatments. Pain may be quite distracting, and if it isn’t managed appropriately, it can have an impact on your professional and personal life. This is why treatment for knee joint pain is so important- so you don’t have to live every day with pain making it harder to do everything from sitting to sleeping to enjoying a movie.

The good news is that it is not a very difficult thing to manage. Here are the ways that can help you deal with knee pain.


Here are 5 things to do to deal with knee pain:

1. A Little Exercise for Your Joints

Exercise is one of the most important things for your knees. In order to keep all your joints in good working conditions, it is important that you move them frequently. Knee physical therapy exercises help keep the blood flowing well to the joints. Cardio like walking, swimming, water aerobics, stationary cycling, and working out with elliptical machines bring strength to the muscles that are necessary for knee support. Weight training, stretching, Tai chi and yoga are other good alternatives.

2. R.I.C.E: Remember, it causes ease

While knee physical therapy exercises are important, don’t forget RICE: Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation. These four help deal with knee pain. Remember: Rest your knees, apply Ice when swollen or aching, wear a Compressive bandage and Elevate (raise) your knee. Doing all these four things regularly will help you manage knee pain.

3. Walking Aids help with balance

You can relieve knee pressure with crutches or sticks. Knee braces and splints also help keep you sturdy.

4. Shoes for knee Pain are essential

Shoes can turn into one of the things that will make your knee pain better or far worse. Shoes that are carelessly designed may not support your weight properly. On top of that, they can unbalance you, meaning one knee will have to take more weight than the other, which will make the pain there worse. Shoes for knee pain have padded insoles that can help reduce stress on the knees. For knee osteoarthritis, doctors may recommend special insoles and shoes for knee pain. Talk to your doctor or physiotherapist to find the right shoe for knee pain with the right cushioning so that your knees can be better rested throughout the day, even at work.

5. Knee Joint Pain Treatment makes life easier

Sometimes, despite following all the instructions, the knee pain still stays. If the pain stays for a longer duration or if you feel that it has been getting worse over time, please consult a doctor. Our trained professionals can tell you how to do your knee joint pain treatment if it comes back or prescribes medicines to make sure that your pain doesn’t grow over time or stop you from doing important or even routine activities like going for a nice walk.



Here are 5 things you should avoid in order to more easily deal with knee pain:

  1. Too much rest is bad too

While resting your knee is very important, make sure that you do not rest it too much. Your knee should not be overworked but if you don’t do enough exercise, it will slowly start to lose function. The good news is that you don’t have to work too hard or follow intense training regimens. A few minutes every day makes a huge difference.

2. Weight matters when it comes to joint ache

Being overweight is not the end-all for knee pain, but you should not forget about it either. The more weight you carry, the worse it is on a joint that is already hurt. Remember to talk to a doctor and make sure you are taking the right breaks and doing the right exercises so that you don’t hurt your knees.

3. Bad Exercise is worse than no exercise

“The only bad workout is the one you did not do” does not apply when you suffer from knee pain. If you are undergoing Knee joint pain treatment, anything that can shock the knee is bad for you. Jumping, dancing, running too fast are all terrible for the knee and may even lead to torn ligaments or pulled muscles.

4. Assuming it will “Go Away on its Own” does more harm

Knee Joint pain is one of the few pains that only get worse over time. The more you ignore it and hope that it will go away on its own, the worse damage you may cause your knees. If your knee pain persists for more than a day, consult one of our experts and make sure you are not making it worse.

5. Skipping Knee Physical Therapy may lead to slower healing

Knee joint physical therapy is the most important exercise for you. Ask one of our experts which exercise is the best for you and let us guide you to a better, less painful future.


Please note that this article is simply a guide to the most common Dos and Don’ts and cannot replace a medical consultation. The best way to know which treatments will work for your knee pain is to consult a doctor.

At Radiance Hospitals, we take our knee pain seriously. We have experts in the field who will help you understand what kind of pain you are facing, what the root cause of the pain is and which method will work best for you to help reduce or remove your pain. If you have persistent or painful knee pain, book an appointment with us as early as possible.

With us, you will never be hurting alone.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

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