

Post-operative care in joint replacement surgery

If you don’t take proper care after your joint replacement surgery, you might end up having more complications and pain. Recovering after joint replacement surgery is challenging but not impossible. If you follow a proper post-surgery regime, you can restore complete mobility to your joint. The first few days might be painful and tiring but with the help of your loved ones, you can make a complete recovery.

Joint replacement surgery has a success rate of almost 95%. Post-operative care plays a huge role in this number. If you don’t want to end up being those 5% people, you need to make a post-operative plan even before the surgery. Here are some tips to follow after surgery for a quicker recovery.

Make your home compatible with your situation

You need to make adjustments to your home according to the limitations of your mobility. You can take the help of your family to do it. Everything should be easily accessible. You should strictly avoid taking stairs or lifting anything heavy. Your room should have:

  • A western toilet
  • A bed that is knee high
  • Pillows for elevation
  • Ice packs for the joint
  • Properly arranged medications
  • A walker or a stick
  • Comfortable clothing
  • Easy controls on lights and fans

Do some light household chores?

Your joint needs to heal but it also needs some movement from time to time. If you just lay down all day, the joint can get stiff. Household chores are not completely out of bounds after the surgery. You can do light work and keep the joints moving. It helps take your mind off the surgery and helps increase mobility. But it is important to not overdo anything. You are not supposed to do the work like you used to. Ease into your work slowly. These light chores can be dusting, cutting vegetables and making your bed. Washing clothes and lifting heavy things is highly prohibited.

Take help of a physiotherapist

You need to keep the joint moving. Little walks around the house are useful but don’t limit yourself to that. Physiotherapy increases the speed of recovery drastically. A professional physiotherapist knows which exercises need to be done and how. He knows what kind of exercises will help you the most and he will closely guide you through them. He can also monitor your progress and change your exercise routine based on the progress you’ve done. You can also learn some light stretches from a physiotherapist to do on your own when he’s not with you.

Eat homemade wholesome meals

After the surgery, your medication might include important vitamins and minerals. But that is not a substitute of a healthy diet. After the surgery, you must have homemade wholesome meals every day. Put a hold to food ordering for a while. Have homemade food as long as you’re in recovery. A well balanced diet complements the exercises and helps you recover faster. Try to include all four food groups in your diet throughout the day. A healthy diet accelerates your recovery and improves your overall health.

You can get to your normal routine after about 3 months. Complete recovery differs from person to person. You can expect it after about 6 months from the surgery. It might seem a really long time to get back on your feet but when it comes to your good health, you can’t afford to take any risk. You need a hospital that provides complete care from surgery to post-operative care. Radiance hospital provides complete patient care to successfully recover from joint replacement surgery. Contact Radiance hospital now.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

Metabolism is something that can make you gain weight without even eating too much. It can also be responsible for making it harder to lose it. Metabolism in simpler words is mechanism of processing food. When this process is disturbed or not working properly, you get unwanted gain or loss of weight. It leads to serious health issues over time. Metabolism is the rate at which the body manages calories and fats by turning them into energy.

Bariatric surgery comes to your aid when you have gained a lot of weight because of bad metabolism. It is one of the most successful surgeries in India with a success rate of more than 80%. People often fear their metabolism getting worse after the surgery. Let’s see how your metabolism is affected after bariatric surgery.

Your metabolism and the Gastrointestinal Tract

Your GI tract is an essential part of the process when it comes to weight loss and bariatric surgery. Your stomach secretes a hormone named GLP-1 which is crucial in controlling appetite. It also allows the gastrointestinal tract to work properly. In bariatric surgery, the size of the stomach is reduced and the intestines are rerouted. It has been seen that this reduction allows your body to increase the production of this hormone. It helps boost the metabolism and in turn aids in successful weight loss.

Metabolism of fat in the body

When you have accumulate an extreme amount of excess fat, you become obese. This excessive fat can be because of consumption of fried, packaged, processed foods in more than normal portions. It can also accumulate because of hormone imbalances which directs the body to store fat. Bariatric surgery is intended to reduce your stomach size and decrease the amount of food you can have. It leads to burning of stored fat. Your metabolism is heightened and you burn fat more easily. This surgery helps patients shed their weight by improving their fat metabolism.

Increased metabolic rate and diseases

Bariatric surgery helps process sugars, fats, and other nutrients far better than it did before. It helps increase the rate of metabolism which aids in different health conditions that were caused by obesity. After bariatric surgery you follow a specific diet to maintain the weight and to boost metabolism. This solves many issues that you had when you were obese. The blood sugar is normalized around 98% and cardiovascular health is improved. It resolves issues like type two diabetes, hypertension, OSA, cardiac problems, and many others.

Weight gain can have multiple reasons behind it. A bad metabolism is just one of them. But bariatric surgery not only helps lose weight. It also fixes your metabolism so you don’t gain that weight again. It helps you lead a healthy and happy life. It is important to choose the right surgeon for your surgery to get the desired results from bariatric surgery. Choose Ansh Obecure @ Radiance  hospital for its experienced surgeon and state of the art equipment for bariatric surgery in ahmedabad.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

IVF Treatment

In Vitro fertilisation, also known as IVF, is a fertility treatment where in fertilisation takes place in the lab instead of the female body.

The basic steps involved in IVF technology is taking many eggs from female retrieved through transvaginal ultrasound-guided needle and placing in a petri-dish with cleanly washed sperm cells retrieved via masturbation or else sperm donor. The retrieved eggs will become fertilized by the sperm cells and become embryos. One of the healthy embryo is then transferred to the same female uterus. After process completion, bed rest is advised for at least 24 hrs.

An estimated 6.5 million IVF conceived babies have been born in the world since IVF conception in 1980s. Also famously known as test tube babies, produced by IVF are as healthy and normal as naturally conceived children.

Success rate of IVF, according to a study of approximately 156,000 women, the average live-birth rate for the first cycle was 29.5 percent, which is a comparable success ratio as that to couples with the natural cycle of fertility. Researchers in the UK have developed a prediction model to estimate the success rate of a live birth over multiple cycles of IVF. This prediction model can be personalized based on a number of variables (reproductive history, maternal age, the cause of infertility, and lifestyle factors) as well as their response to treatment for a realistic understanding of the long-term probability of success of IVF.

In Vitro fertilisation

IVF is the preferred choice of treatment in the following health conditions:

  1. Fallopian tube damage or pathology: women with blocked or removed fallopian tubes
  2. Unexplained infertility (idiopathic): irregular ovulation cycles 
  3. Male factor: low sperm count may turn to an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) which only required 1 healthy sperm to fertilize an egg.
  4. Endometriosis
  5. Cervical factor / immunological infertility: polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) 
  6. Hormonal disturbances

Further, obesity can also complicate IVF, making it harder for overweight women to have successful IVF with their own eggs. Obesity is associated with increased dose and duration of gonadotropin stimulation, lower peak E2 levels, and increased oocyte retrieval time.

A large study published in 2013 reviewed over 9,500 egg donation IVF treatments. The egg donors were all of normal weight, and the recipients were divided into four groups: underweight, normal, overweight and obese. The rates of embryo implantation reduced to 23%, pregnancy rate decreased by 19% and live birth percentage reduced by 27% as body mass index (BMI), increased to obese.

A recent study indicated that obese women may need different doses and dosing regimen and fertility drugs than normal-weight women in order to ensure that their eggs ripen at the right time and can be extracted for IVF.

Therefore, it is recommended that patients with a high BMI reduce their weight before IVF treatment. Bariatric surgical procedures can be a durable option for weight reduction. This study highlights 5 patients who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass bariatric surgery followed by in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Overall, these patients tolerated IVF well, and four of the five went on to have term deliveries. Rapid weight loss and increased risk of nutritional deficiencies in the first year after bariatric surgery have led to recommendations that gastric bypass surgery patients should wait at least a year before attempting pregnancy. IVF after bariatric surgery can be safe and successful.

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Written By : Dr. Apurva Vyas

Joint Problems

Our bones attach to each other at a joint, where strong tissues called tendons and ligaments help connect the bones. It is common for such joints to experience stress as we age. But it is pertinent to note that weight too plays a role along with age. Every pound of excess weight exerts about 4 pounds of extra pressure on knees. This means that if a person is 100 pounds overweight then the knees undergo 400 pounds of excess pressure. “Fat” itself is such an active tissue that releases such chemicals which promote inflammation. Researchers have also found that hand osteoarthritis (OA) is more common amongst obese people.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, the average onset of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is between the ages of 30 and 60, and children can also get it. RA is a chronic condition that progresses over time with periods of increased disease activity, called flares and periods of remission.

In 1971, the number of cases of arthritis primarily caused by obesity was at 3 %. By 2002, that number had increased six-fold to 18 %. An obese has a 60 % greater risk of getting arthritis than people who maintain healthy body weight. A study examined the factors contributing to total knee and hip replacements in people between the ages of 18 – 50. A remarkable 72 % of those who underwent joint replacement surgery were obese.

Bariatric or Metabolic surgery can prove to be very beneficial for joints too. For 0.5 kgs lost, 2.5 kgs of pressure on joints are reduced. Other benefits are pain reduction, increased mobility, better outcome after a joint replacement surgery etc. Bariatric surgery can be considered the best way for a joint replacement.

  1. Sleeve Gastrectomy- Reduces the stomach to approximately 15 % of its original size.
  2. Gastric Bypass-The surgery changes the absorption rate of food, as well as decreasing the amount that can be ingested.
  3. Robotic Surgery

Orthopaedic surgeons themselves are referring more patients for consideration of bariatric surgery in anticipation of future elective procedures.

Many patients pursue bariatric surgery for improvement in their physical image and somatic health improvement. Health-related quality of life improves after bariatric surgery & long-term improvements are positively associated with the long-term amount of weight reduction leading to less joint problems.

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Written By : Dr. Apurva Vyas

If you hear clicking sound in your knees while walking, it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Our knees have cartilages inside of them which allow the knee joints to move freely. They also help absorb impact on knees while running or jumping. With time, these cartilages fall victim to wear and tear. When a large portion of these cartilages have worn away, you start feeling pain in the knees. This pain is an indicator that there is a gap in your knees which causes a click sound. The space in the joint becomes narrowed enough that it affects the joint’s range of motion. Movement and even simple tasks of standing up becomes difficult.

When this gap occurs, bones rub on each other which leads to severe pain in the knee joint. This gap can also be a result of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. This condition can be identified by different testing like X-ray, MRI, and Physical exam.

Let’s understand this condition better with causes and solutions.

Causes of gap in the joint:

One of the most common reasons for gap in the knee joint or joint space narrowing is overuse of your knee joints ,Arthritis. It also occurs as you grow older. The other common reason is obesity. Extra weight puts extra stress on the knee joint. Muscle weakness also contributes to joint space narrowing. Joint space narrowing can also be an early sign of osteoarthritis and it is also seen in the case of rheumatoid arthritis which is a type of arthritis where your immune system attacks your own body tissues.

How to treat this condition:

Treatment options depend on the severity and cause of your joint space narrowing. Yogasana helps in the beginning stages to relieve pain. It helps keep your joints flexible. If the intensity of the pain is higher, your doctor might prescribe you some pain killers. In the case of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, the pain might be relieved with medications like NSAIDs. These drugs help you do the routine work without causing more narrowing in the knees.

All of these solutions are temporary and only effective in the beginning stages of joint space narrowing. The only permanent solution for this condition is joint replacement surgery. In this procedure, an expert orthopedic surgeon removes the affected parts of the knee joint and installs artificial prosthetics.

Joint replacement surgery is a highly effective treatment in the case of joint space narrowing. It helps restore the mobility in your joint and relieve chronic pain. You need to have experienced surgeons helming the surgery to get the best results. Contact us for a highly effective joint replacement surgery in Ahmedabad now.

Written By : Radiance Hospital