

Weight Loss for Men: Understanding The Science Behind Belly Fat?

How to lose belly fat for men becomes a question in everyone’s mind because, with age, there is a high chance of acquiring belly fat in men. Chances are, people with an otherwise average physique end up with a pot belly. This is called ‘skinny-fat’ and Indian and South-Asian men, in particular, have a higher tendency than those in other countries to gather this fat. To understand how to get rid of belly fat for men, we first need to understand how it is caused.

The Science Behind Belly Fat

While there are multiple reasons that belly fat in men gathers, some of the major causes that lead to obesity includes:

  1. Drinking carbonated beverages

Drinks high in sugar and carbonation contain no calories on the surface, but the energy they give is often turned into fat by the body and stored. To burn belly fat for men, this is the first thing to cut off or minimise as much as possible.

  1. Overeating

Overeating, while bad even if done just once, is a poison that keeps on giving as it turns into a habit and then, an addiction. It can lead to various serious eating disorders, mess with your mental health and lead to worse physical health as well as increase belly fat in men. One of the first answers to how to lose belly fat for men dictates that overeating must be stopped.

  1. Binge drinking

Alcohol is 100% carbohydrates. When we say ‘beer-belly’ we sometimes mean it. While at a younger age and with high metabolic rates this can be burned off, after the 30s, ideally, cutting off all alcoholic intake will work wonders in cutting down the belly fat in men as well.

  1. Inflammation from an imbalanced gut microbiome

Not all of the belly fat in men is, well, fat. If you have become subject to a bacteria or virus due to bad food, this protrusion may be just an immune response. In case you feel this is what has happened, we recommend you talk to one of our experts as soon as possible. Your life could hang in the balance.

  1. A lack of exercise

Exercise is essential to keeping the body in a fit condition. Getting rid of belly fat for men will include some light yoga, a jog around the neighbourhood or playing a sport for 30 minutes.

  1. Stress

Stress and other mental health issues are a big reason for this. The higher the stress, the higher the amount of it and the harder it is to burn belly fat for men.

  1. Ageing

Ageing and belly fat in men are directly correlated. As a man ages, he loses a lot of strength and stamina. The body does not perform as well as it did before. The metabolic rates go down and a host of other problems crop up. Ageing is something that can cause a hindrance in the process of getting rid of belly fat for men.

  1. Smoking

Smoking is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to belly fat. Rather than burning away their lungs, they must put the butt out to burn belly fat for men.

Moreover, specifically for Indian men, there are various other reasons for belly fat including a carbohydrate-heavy diet paired with a more recent change from an agricultural, labour-intensive, high-heat lifestyle to a sedentary one. Low water consumption which leads to the minimization of the sensation of hunger. A deficiency of protein in the diet, an element required for muscular growth. This results in a lower metabolism- the rate at which the body burns calories at rest. Additionally, protein consumption causes you to feel fuller faster and a lack of it results in a higher caloric intake making it difficult to burn belly fat for men. Genetics also contribute to the buildup of fat around the waistline in comparison to other ethnicities. Moreover, on a daily basis, there is a lack of physical exercise. It is advised that people exercise for 30 minutes per day to burn belly fat for men. This is far from the norm in most Indian households.

The trouble with visceral fat – hidden fat 

The layer of fat cells or adipose tissue that envelops your abdominal organs deep inside your belly is called visceral fat. Now, almost all fat, when accumulated too much, is bad for you in terms of health. However, visceral fat is far more harmful than the fat that sits under your skin. This is why it is essential to get rid of belly fat for men.

Why is belly fat dangerous?

Because visceral or belly fat wraps around internal organs, it increases the risk of many major illnesses including Heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and high cholesterol. Many studies also indicate that belly fat produces enzymes and proteins that inflame a person’s tissues and narrows their blood vessels which leads to high blood pressure over time.  You must know how to lose belly fat for men. Let’s start with genetics, specifically-

How does genetics play a role in belly fat?

Whether or not genetics lend a hand in increasing belly fat is still debated in the medical field. While most studies show that people who have more belly fat tend to share this similarity with their parents and relatives, whether this is an effect of genes or lifestyle is not fully accepted. A study conducted on twins raised together and apart, from different childhood environments concluded that “genetic influences on the body-mass index are substantial, whereas the childhood environment has little or no influence”.

However, another study by the CDC found that while “the obesity epidemic can be considered a collective response to an obesogenic environment”, obesogenic means a situation where food that is high in calories is cheap and easy to find while the chances of physical activity are limited which perpetuates obesity, people even within the same family- cousins, siblings, parents and so on- respond differently to it and not everyone collects fat the same way.

On the whole, women tend to have more fat around the hips because it is safer to conceive a baby when it is protected by fat, and men tend to have more fat in the lower back region. However, some research indicates, that is where the similarities end.

That said most studies agree that whatever be a person’s genetic make-up, losing belly fat is not impossible, nor does it become an indicator that once lost the fat would return. So, knowing how to lose belly fat for men becomes important.


So you may wonder how to reduce belly fat for men or at least how to lose lower belly fat for males. The answers may not be as simple as you would like. You have to work on developing some healthy habits to work on stomach fat to reduce.

  1. Keep Moving

Like we said before, some light yoga, a dance or two, and a little jog would not be amiss. The more the body moves, the better.

  1. Eat Smart

You do need to cut down on the amount of food, but more importantly, you need to change it. Fewer carbs, less fat, more fibre and protein is the way to go. Next time you fill a plate, make sure you have more protein and greens than you have carbs and fat.

  1. Drink Water

Hydration leads to a lower diet and a higher metabolic rate, so if you want to know how to reduce belly fat for men, this should be at the forefront.

  1. Socialise

Those who have a larger circle of friends, so party hard but don’t have the junk food or alcohol and watch themselves transform into a better shape.

  1. Consult a Diet Professional

Consulting a diet professional to fix your diet is a brilliant idea. They will help you tailor your diet in a way that best suits your particular body type. At Radiance hospitals we have many great nutritional experts that can help you transform your lifestyle.

  1. Appointment with Bariatric Surgeon

If all else fails, there’s always bariatric surgery. We recommend that you talk to one of our esteemed Bariatric surgeons at the earliest of you face issues reducing visceral fat.

At Radiance hospitals, your priorities are our priorities. If you want to reduce your belly fat and keep it off, we have all the services available for you to do that. We can gently guide you through your journey and ensure you are never confused about the next step and know your progress.

Come and get rid of belly fat with us, because you are not alone and there is always a way out.


Visceral Fat:

Genes and obesity:

Twins and belly fat:

Written By : Radiance Hospital

How to Deal With Knee Pain?  Dos And Don’ts

Do you find that your knee pain prevents you from carrying out your everyday tasks? Knee pain is one of the most chronic pains a person can experience. It can get better or worse, depending on a lot of factors. Surprisingly enough, studies suggest that people who live with pain usually tend to have a high tolerance for that pain. The worst days are when the pain changes; when it feels like a stabbing sensation as opposed to an ache or if it suddenly occurs in your opposite knee than it usually does; when it wakes you up at night rather than hurting in the afternoon.

Knee pain is one of the aches that most people suffer from but also one of the pains that can cause the most suffering. With bad knees, your entire lifestyle may be in trouble. From difficult physically challenging activities like mountain climbing to something as simple as catching a bus at a bus station is made harder if you have chronic knee pain and don’t opt for knee joint pain treatments. Pain may be quite distracting, and if it isn’t managed appropriately, it can have an impact on your professional and personal life. This is why treatment for knee joint pain is so important- so you don’t have to live every day with pain making it harder to do everything from sitting to sleeping to enjoying a movie.

The good news is that it is not a very difficult thing to manage. Here are the ways that can help you deal with knee pain.


Here are 5 things to do to deal with knee pain:

1. A Little Exercise for Your Joints

Exercise is one of the most important things for your knees. In order to keep all your joints in good working conditions, it is important that you move them frequently. Knee physical therapy exercises help keep the blood flowing well to the joints. Cardio like walking, swimming, water aerobics, stationary cycling, and working out with elliptical machines bring strength to the muscles that are necessary for knee support. Weight training, stretching, Tai chi and yoga are other good alternatives.

2. R.I.C.E: Remember, it causes ease

While knee physical therapy exercises are important, don’t forget RICE: Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation. These four help deal with knee pain. Remember: Rest your knees, apply Ice when swollen or aching, wear a Compressive bandage and Elevate (raise) your knee. Doing all these four things regularly will help you manage knee pain.

3. Walking Aids help with balance

You can relieve knee pressure with crutches or sticks. Knee braces and splints also help keep you sturdy.

4. Shoes for knee Pain are essential

Shoes can turn into one of the things that will make your knee pain better or far worse. Shoes that are carelessly designed may not support your weight properly. On top of that, they can unbalance you, meaning one knee will have to take more weight than the other, which will make the pain there worse. Shoes for knee pain have padded insoles that can help reduce stress on the knees. For knee osteoarthritis, doctors may recommend special insoles and shoes for knee pain. Talk to your doctor or physiotherapist to find the right shoe for knee pain with the right cushioning so that your knees can be better rested throughout the day, even at work.

5. Knee Joint Pain Treatment makes life easier

Sometimes, despite following all the instructions, the knee pain still stays. If the pain stays for a longer duration or if you feel that it has been getting worse over time, please consult a doctor. Our trained professionals can tell you how to do your knee joint pain treatment if it comes back or prescribes medicines to make sure that your pain doesn’t grow over time or stop you from doing important or even routine activities like going for a nice walk.



Here are 5 things you should avoid in order to more easily deal with knee pain:

  1. Too much rest is bad too

While resting your knee is very important, make sure that you do not rest it too much. Your knee should not be overworked but if you don’t do enough exercise, it will slowly start to lose function. The good news is that you don’t have to work too hard or follow intense training regimens. A few minutes every day makes a huge difference.

2. Weight matters when it comes to joint ache

Being overweight is not the end-all for knee pain, but you should not forget about it either. The more weight you carry, the worse it is on a joint that is already hurt. Remember to talk to a doctor and make sure you are taking the right breaks and doing the right exercises so that you don’t hurt your knees.

3. Bad Exercise is worse than no exercise

“The only bad workout is the one you did not do” does not apply when you suffer from knee pain. If you are undergoing Knee joint pain treatment, anything that can shock the knee is bad for you. Jumping, dancing, running too fast are all terrible for the knee and may even lead to torn ligaments or pulled muscles.

4. Assuming it will “Go Away on its Own” does more harm

Knee Joint pain is one of the few pains that only get worse over time. The more you ignore it and hope that it will go away on its own, the worse damage you may cause your knees. If your knee pain persists for more than a day, consult one of our experts and make sure you are not making it worse.

5. Skipping Knee Physical Therapy may lead to slower healing

Knee joint physical therapy is the most important exercise for you. Ask one of our experts which exercise is the best for you and let us guide you to a better, less painful future.


Please note that this article is simply a guide to the most common Dos and Don’ts and cannot replace a medical consultation. The best way to know which treatments will work for your knee pain is to consult a doctor.

At Radiance Hospitals, we take our knee pain seriously. We have experts in the field who will help you understand what kind of pain you are facing, what the root cause of the pain is and which method will work best for you to help reduce or remove your pain. If you have persistent or painful knee pain, book an appointment with us as early as possible.

With us, you will never be hurting alone.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

How Can You Know Whether You Are Overweight

Did you know that only about 10% of people who are obese know that fact, according to this [1] survey. Are you one of them? To know that answer, you need to ask several other questions like: How much is overweight and what are the signs of being overweight?

Generally, being overweight is defined by the increase in the size and amount of fat cells in the body. When one has a higher body-fat percentage than their height, they are usually considered overweight. When this weight tips into proportions that can cause long term physical damage to internal organs, muscles, joints and other parts of the body, it is called being obese. When this obesity starts on a path of permanent damage, healthcare professionals tend to label it as ‘morbid obesity’.

An easy way to calculate body-fat percentage is to know your BMI or Body Mass Index. BMI [2] is a screening tool for overweight and obesity that works by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms with the person’s height in centimetres. So, what is a healthy BMI?

The BMI of a healthy person is between 18.5 to 30. The BMI Breakup is as follows:

  • If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range.
  • If your BMI is 18.5 to <25, it falls within the healthy weight range.
  • If your BMI is 25.0 to <30, it falls within the overweight range.
  • If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range.

For obese persons, the BMI is further subdivided into the following:

  • Class 1: BMIof 30 to < 35
  • Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
  • Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher.

Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorised as ‘severe’ or ‘morbid’ obesity.

Therefore, an easy answer to the question ‘how to know if you are overweight’ is to check if you fall within the given BMI. Now, this works for most people. However, this method is far from flawless. A BMI does not differentiate between fat weight and muscle mass. A body builder who has budging biceps and quads, who has a healthy heart and is at the peak of human health may, to BMI, look obese. He or she may have a body fat percentage of 5, and they would still be classified as obese. So, in reality, what is a healthy BMI for everyone? The unfortunate answer is that BMI, while a good tool for the general public, will not work for everyone.

A much better tool for getting to know if you’re overweight is Waist Measurement. Says Michelle Routhenstein, MS, RD, CDE, CDN, the owner of Entirely Nourished, a nutrition counselling and consulting private practice, “A waist circumference greater than 35 inches in women and greater than 40 inches in men could not only determine overweight status but put a hard-and-fast number on one’s health.”

The way to do it is that you place a measuring tape on the top of your hip bone, bringing it all the way around your torso and to the level of your belly button. Make sure you do not suck your belly in or make it too tight. Anything over these ranges suggest excess belly fat, a harmful form of fat that surrounds important organs and raises the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome. It also has the benefit of being easy to use and a somewhat good predictor of risk for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

Here, we would also like to give you four other signs of being overweight.


One of the signs of being overweight is snoring. Neck fat constricts the air passages, especially while lying face down, increasing the likelihood of snoring. Being overweight and snoring isn’t simply about having a flabby neck.

Central obesity, defined as fat around the belly and chest, exacerbates snoring and sleep apnea.

Belly fat raises the diaphragm (as shown in pregnant women, another subset of snorers), and chest fat restricts the ribcage. Both of them reduce the size of your lungs. Lower lung capacity reduces airflow, which is required to keep the neck in shape and prevent collapse.

This is the first answer to the question ‘how to know if you are overweight’. Do you snore? If yes, you may be overweight.

2. Frequent Heartburn

Another sign of being overweight is heartburn, also called GERD- gastroesophageal reflux disease. The increased risk of GERD is assumed to be linked to extra belly fat putting pressure on the stomach, the formation of a hiatal hernia, which causes acid backflow, or hormonal changes, such as an increase in oestrogen exposure, which can occur in obese persons. When acid refluxes into the oesophagus, it can cause irritation and inflammation. Complications might arise over time. The oesophagus can narrow, resulting in stricture and swallowing difficulties. A sore or ulcer can form, causing it to bleed, be unpleasant, and make swallowing difficult. Furthermore, precancerous alterations to the oesophagus, known as Barrett’s oesophagus, can arise, which is the primary risk factor for developing esophageal cancer.

Obesity has been linked to three esophageal disorders: GERD, Barrett’s oesophagus, and esophageal cancer. The risk of these illnesses appears to rise progressively as one’s weight rises. The objective of treating GERD is to reduce not just the annoying symptoms of GERD, but also the chance of acquiring these other, more severe esophageal disorders.

3. Chronic Fatigue

Obesity has been linked to exhaustion, sleep issues, and lower levels of satisfaction with overall health, functioning, and energy. In a recent study [3] that looked at  weight changes in a community-based sample of people with CFS and healthy controls across time,  investigating the impact of comorbid weight issues on several health and disability outcomes in a subset of overweight individuals. Overweight and obese individuals with CFS had poorer functioning.

Since obesity leads to sleep apnea, anaemia, thyroid disorders and pain, it increases the chances of chronic fatigue.

4. Achy Joints

We know that body weight has a substantial relationship with the likelihood of acquiring arthritis. The likelihood of having arthritis in your joints is highly related to your body weight. A younger age for joint replacement might also complicate therapy since the replacement is more likely to wear out over the patient’s lifespan.

This is the final answer to the question ‘how to know if you are overweight’. Do you have chronically achy joints? If yes, you may be overweight.

To understand how to reduce weight, you could read our other blogs on weight loss (insert link) or contact our medical professionals who will be happy to guide you through it. With a tight diet and exercise regimen, specially designed in accordance with your metabolism, particular body type and sound medical history, our experts and specialists can design the fastest, healthiest and most long term way for you to not only lose weight but also keep it off for years.

At Radiance Hospitals, we understand that the journey can be quite difficult and are always willing to provide guidance and support.

Let us fight this fight together, armed with support and the best knowledge possible.



  1. Only 10% people know they are obese:
  2. Everything about BMI: CDC:
  3. Study:

Written By : Radiance Hospital

What effects does obesity have on the body?

Did you know obesity makes your body older? Is it not uncommon to hear that bad health has become a crisis today. Due to the current scenario of desk jobs and unhealthy eating, health- both physical and mental- has greatly suffered. One of the biggest side-effects of this is obesity.

Obesity is a condition in which a person has a harmful amount of body fat or an unhealthy distribution of body fat. It raises the risk for several serious health complications. Too much body fat puts a strain on bones and organs It also causes complex changes in hormones and metabolism and increases inflammation in the body.

People with obesity have a BMI- Body mass index- of 30 or higher. According to the ICMR-INDIAB study,  2015, “the prevalence rate of obesity and central obesity vary from 11.8% to 31.3% and 16.9%-36.3% respectively”. (1) There are a multitude of factors that lead to obesity including age, gender, environment, socio-economic status and so on. Let’s have a look at the effects of obesity on the body

1. Effects on the Brain

The effects of obesity on the body have to start with the brain. Health problems caused by obesity in the brain are twofold. The first is that there is a permeating risk of stroke due to high blood pressure. Another aspect is wholly psychological. Obesity can lead to a string of mental disorders from clinical depression to body image issues to anxiety and several eating disorders.

Therefore, if you or your loved ones are fighting against obesity, kindness needs to be the first step. Ridicule, hatred or constant nagging are worse for obesity. Instead, a little love, support and help in the fight would go a long way.

2. Effects on the Heart

High blood pressure, high levels of bad cholesterol and high blood sugar are all factors that can lead to the hardening of your arteries. Thus, the heart needs to pump harder to pump the same amount of blood throughout the body. This is what hypertension is, and this is the leading cause of heart attacks. This is how it leads to the risk of hypertension to the heart problem.

Moreover, these same factors with the added issue of an obese body and narrowed arteries to the heart lead to a condition called atherosclerosis which contributes to the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

3. Effects on the Lungs

The health effects of obesity on lung function are multifactorial, with mechanical and inflammatory parts of obesity playing a role. Obesity has a major impact on respiratory function, which adds to the burden of respiratory illness. These mechanical consequences are difficult to quantify using standard pulmonary function tests and BMI measurements.

4. Effects on the Liver

The liver is the organ, the pancreas within it specifically, that produces insulin. Insulin is the hormone responsible for carrying sugar from the bloodstream to the cells that can store it or use it for energy. Effects of obesity on the body, particularly the liver are since obesity can make cells resist insulin, which leads to high blood sugar seeing as the body’s cells are unable to store it.

High blood sugar and insulin resistance can result in Type 2 Diabetes over time. While it is certainly true that obesity is not the only reason for diabetes and Type 1 diabetes is genetic, obesity is surely a leading cause of it. Now, diabetes in itself comes with a lot of problems. It is connected with a range of ill effects from heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and amputation to blindness.

That being said, it is important to note that diabetes carries with it a lot of myths about being a disease of lazy people or that losing weight means diabetes will go away. So while you should stay warned that obesity may lead to diabetes, keeping in mind that it is not the only cause and that obese people may not always have diabetes is highly important.

5. Effects on the Stomach

The health effects of obesity include the stomach and the entire digestive system. Obesity has been linked to an increased risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). When stomach acid escapes into the oesophagus, it causes GERD.

Obesity’s impact on the health of the liver is also that it raises the chance of acquiring gallstones. This is the process through which bile accumulates and hardens in the gallbladder. This may necessitate surgery.

Fat can also accumulate around the liver, causing liver damage, scar tissue, and even liver failure.

6. Effects on the Kidney

Obesity and kidney injury are linked by many means which are well recognised. Obesity has been linked to an increase in urine excretion and an increased chance of developing Kidney stones. (2) Obesity’s impact on health shows in renal replacement treatment and kidney transplantation. Physical compression of the kidneys from the stacking up of adipose tissue around the organs stresses the health problems caused by obesity in the development of renal disease.

7. Effects on the Reproductive System

Health effects of obesity include menstruation abnormalities, infertility,  miscarriage, poor pregnancy outcome, reduced foetal well-being, and diabetes mellitus, according to epidemiological studies. Health problems caused by obesity are often linked with an elevated BMI. The introduction of assisted reproduction has highlighted the issues associated with being overweight, and the use of gonadotropins in ovulation induction and in vitro fertilisation is more difficult when the person is overweight. In fact, obesity’s impact on health is so much that losing weight has a significant impact on normalising the menstrual cycle and boosting spontaneous ovulation and conception.

8. Effects on the Muscles

Obesity’s impact on health is perhaps most visible by the effects of obesity on the body. Obesity causes the deterioration of muscle mass. (3) This leads to mobility problems and affects the contraction and relaxation of muscles. The problem is, once the obesity level tips into morbid obesity, the damage done cannot always be undone by simply losing weight.

This is why health problems caused by obesity should be understood to their full extent and steps should be taken to prevent further ill effects of obesity on the body. Effects of obesity on the body affect even those parts of the body that you would think are least important. Even if beauty is not important, keeping your muscles in shape is essential to have better health and fewer complications in the future.

9. Effects on the Bones

Skeletal damages are a part of the health effects of obesity. (3) Obesity may lead to changes in bone-regulating hormones, inflammation and oxidative stress. It leads to a reduction in cells to absorb calcium which leads to the deterioration of bones. What this means is that they are far more likely to get a fracture in a situation where others may have simply gotten a strain or a bruise. It affects bone density negatively and severely affects the health of joints due to an added burden of weight.

10. Effects on the Skin

Obesity greatly affects the barrier and moisturizing functions of the skin. (4) This leads to dryness and roughness of the skin. These effects include skin ulcers, Atopic eczema, skin infections, rashes, excessive stretching, pigmentation, warts and Psoriasis.

The unfortunate reality is that obesity and ageing have similar effects on the body. Simply by gaining weight, your body functions as if it were a much older, aged one. No organ is unaffected by obesity.

At Radiance Hospitals, we care about you. To figure out how to fight this crisis or to help your loved ones do the same, book a consultation with one of our experts and we’ll take it from there. Everything from the right diet, right exercise or anything else- you can leave your worries to us.

Come battle the health effects of obesity with us. And remember: you are never alone.



  1. Obesity numbers: › 30641719
  2. Kidney Stone:
  3. Muscle damage and bone damage:
  4. Skin:

Written By : Radiance Hospital

It’s possible to lose weight in your 30s - Radiance Hospitals

It’s possible to lose weight in your Thirties: Here’s How

Many people think that once they reach 29, they lose the ability to lose weight. However, that is not true. Losing weight in your 30s, 40s and 50s is possible and people do it on a fairly regular basis. Although before talking about losing weight it is useful to look into why people gain weight after a certain age in the first place.

While there are many potential reasons for weight gain, the two main reasons are metabolism and routine. Metabolism is the process that converts what you eat and drink into energy. It is a person’s metabolism that decides how much fat is to be stored and how much is to be used for daily activities. As a person gets older, the amount of energy the body wants to exert reduces as it starts saving up for healing and survival. The metabolism slows down a lot. Moreover, as age increases, a slower routine sets in. Workouts reduce in either frequency or difficulty: people do fewer number of exercises or they do it at a lower difficulty level. The body gets tired more easily and gets hungry faster which means the food intake increases. 

Weight gain happens- apart from certain illnesses- due to high caloric intake and low caloric deficit. What this means is if you take in more calories than you burn, the body will save more fat underneath the skin. This can lead to many health problems like clogged arteries which can lead to heart attacks, brain strokes and other organ failures. Plus, being overweight can also put people at risk of diseases like Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and osteoarthritis. 

Needless to say, losing weight as a teenager or a young adult is easier, but that doesn’t mean losing weight after your 30s is impossible. Here are a few ways to go about it:

1. Positive Attitude

The most essential thing you require to lose weight is willpower. Before you think about the appeal of a slimmer figure or a healthier body, you need to ask yourself how you feel about it. While it may seem doable in the short term, you need to remember that the journey to weight loss is a long and hard one, and impossible  if you are willing to give up halfway. 

If you want to improve yourself and be the best, most fit version of yourself that is possible, you need to make up your mind. You need to commit to it and know that even if you don’t like every step involved, the result will be what you desire. Weight loss is a war, not a battle. Some you win, some you don’t. That is perfectly fine. You need to fight longer, not harder.

2. Sleep

Make getting enough sleep a priority. Many studies have proven just how important sleep is. Eight hours of sleep may be more important than just exercise or a good diet- and we’re not the only ones saying this. A consistent lack of a good night’s rest leads to various health problems, including obesity and diabetes. 

No matter the circumstances, allow your body to rest so that it can continue to work for you. 

3. Hydration

There are many downsides to not drinking water, not a single one to drinking enough. Every bodily function depends on water. Dehydration can affect brain structure and function. It regulates body temperature, body waste and helps lubricate joints. Kidneys cannot function without it. 

Did you know that 90 percent of your blood is made of water? It is water that will maintain the blood volume and blood pressure. It helps deliver nutrients, minerals and oxygen to every organ and cell in your body. Moreover, replacing any kind of sugary-salty drink with water and drinking a glass of water before heavy meals will help reduce weight. 

There is no fixed amount of water that you have to consume daily. However, the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine declares that the average daily intake of water should be around 3.7 litres  for men and  2.7 litres for women. This comes to approximately 16 cups for men and just over 11 cups for women.

4. Exercise

Exercise is important for the body. Without exercise the body starts losing function. A minimum 30 minutes of exercise a day is necessary for weight loss. These don’t have to be too heavy or difficult, just enough that the body stays in a “caloric deficit” meaning you burn more calories than you gain. 

If you plan your meals and exercises according to calories, it will be far easier to lose weight. Joining a sports club for the sport you like the most will help you lose weight as well as reduce mental stress.

5. Diet Plans

A lot of people fall into the trap of fad diets. Diets that are trending and everyone is talking about for the time being. These diet plans are all over facebook and whatsapp. Quick fixes are just that- quick. Quick to come and just as quick to fail. 

A large majority of men and women in India consistently shift from one fad diet to another with no results. The terrible effects these unplanned, malnutritional diets have on physical health are second only to their effects on mental health. When people try diets over and over and the result is the same, it can be traumatising and disheartening. 

6. Reduced Stress Level

Stress has been linked to many illnesses. From hypertension to weight gain, stress is a terrible thing to have. Sometimes a high stress level will result in lower sleep which will make you more tired. Being exhausted means you will not take better care of yourself. 

It is okay to have some stress. No one leads a 100% stress free life. Worries come and go. So, reducing your level of stress is recommended. Developing a control grid is essential. Pick and choose the things you worry about.

7. Good-for-You Meals

Food  has always been a great form of comfort. It is easiest to be happy and content after you have eaten. However, we no longer do about-heavy activities like our ancestors used to- we don’t hunt or forage and we don’t go without food for days on end. 

Therefore it becomes important that we don’t listen to our cravings. Stopping urges for high-carb, high-fat, low-nutrition food and having a balanced meal instead will lead to quicker, long-term weight loss.

8. Weight-loss surgery

If none of the methods work for you, there is always Bariatric surgery.  If you’re an obese adult, especially someone with type 2 diabetes or other weight-related conditions, and if you’re truly committed to making lifestyle changes that will keep your weight off once you lose it, you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery. 

Keep in mind, this shouldn’t be your first option, but it’s not the last either. If you believe you can do it, connect with Radiance Hospitals and our bariatric surgery specialists and ask him if it is right for you.

Written By : Radiance Hospital