

Let’s talk about hip replacement surgery, a procedure that can help alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by hip arthritis. The good news is that hip replacement surgery can improve mobility and restore quality of life. However, the recovery process can be challenging and requires patience and dedication. So, how can you ensure a smooth and successful recovery?

Preparing yourself mentally and physically before the surgery can help recovery following it. Talk to us, learn about the procedure, and follow the instructions given by your team of doctors at Radiance Your recovery depends on it. Hospitals to ensure that you are in the best possible condition for the surgery. After the surgery, follow a rehabilitation program tailored to your specific needs, work with a physical therapist, take your pain medication as prescribed, maintain a healthy diet, and avoid activities that might strain your artificial hip joint.

Recovering from joint replacement surgery takes time and patience, but with the right mindset and approach, you can regain mobility and improve your quality of life. So, take care of yourself, stay positive, and before you know it, you’ll be up and moving again!

Prepare Yourself Mentally and Physically for a Successful Total Hip Replacement Recovery

Hip replacement surgery is a significant procedure that can be both physically and emotionally challenging. It is important to prepare yourself mentally and physically for your long-term health and mobility. This means educating yourself about the procedure, following pre-surgery instructions from your doctor, and taking steps to improve your overall health and well-being.

Mental preparation can help you cope with the stress and uncertainty of surgery. It is important to talk to your doctor about any concerns and learn as much as possible about the procedure. You can also seek support from family, friends, or a therapist. Additionally, staying positive and maintaining a hopeful outlook can help you through the recovery process. Physical preparation involves improving your overall health and fitness. This may include quitting smoking, losing weight, and engaging in low-impact exercises to improve strength and flexibility.

Follow a Tailored Rehabilitation Program and Undergo Physical Therapy

Following a tailored rehabilitation program after a hip replacement surgery is crucial to speed up recovery and regain mobility. The goal of rehabilitation is to help you regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion in your hip joint. An orthopedic therapist will work with you to develop a program tailored to your needs, abilities, and goals.

Rehabilitation may involve a combination of exercises, stretches, and other therapies, such as massage and ultrasound. These techniques can help reduce pain and inflammation, improve circulation, and promote healing. It is important to follow the program consistently and to be patient, as recovery can take several months. By working closely with your therapist and following the program diligently, you can decrease your recovery period and return to normal activities.

Take Pain Medication as Prescribed for a Smooth Recovery

Most of our hip replacement patients find that after joint replacement surgery – whether it is hip or knee replacement, pain management is crucial for a healthy and smooth recovery. Your orthopaedic doctor will prescribe medication to help manage pain, and it is important to take it as prescribed. This will help you manage any discomfort or pain you may experience during the recovery program, allowing you to focus on rehabilitation and getting back to normal activities.

It is important to communicate with your doctor about any pain or discomfort you are experiencing, as they can adjust your medication or suggest alternative therapies if needed. In addition to pain medication, there are other techniques that can help manage pain, such as ice or heat therapy, massage, and acupuncture. By taking pain medication as prescribed and exploring other pain management techniques, you can ensure a smoother and more comfortable recovery phase.

Maintain a Healthy Diet Even After You Leave the Hospital

Maintaining a healthy diet during your recovery is also important after you leave. A balanced diet can help promote healing, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health. Eating a diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, can help provide your body with the nutrients it needs to recover from surgery.

Additionally, certain foods can help promote healing and reduce inflammation, such as foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, as well as foods high in antioxidants, like berries, leafy greens, and dark chocolate. It is important to talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian about any dietary restrictions or guidelines following your surgery. By maintaining a healthy diet after you leave the hospital, you can support your recovery and improve your overall health and well-being. Weeks of your recovery can be shortened if you ask all your questions about total hip surgery.

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day is also important. Dehydration can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Additionally, it is important to avoid foods and beverages that can hinder healing, such as processed foods, sugary drinks, and alcohol. By making healthy food choices and staying hydrated, you can support your body’s natural healing process and help ensure a smooth and lower recovery time.

Avoid Activities That Strain Your Hip Joint to Help Speed Up Recovery

One of the most important tips for a successful total joint replacement we can give you is to take care of your daily activities. Your new hip prosthesis is open to hip pain due to blood clots or stoppages of blood flow if precautions given by your orthopedic surgeon at Radiance Hospitals aren’t followed. Moreover, you’re carrying extra weight which hinders speedy recovery. Your hip and knee often depend on it. After total hip replacement surgery, it is important to avoid activities that put too much strain on your new hip. This can help prevent complications and promote healing. Your doctor or therapist will provide specific guidelines and restrictions based on your needs and progress. Generally, it is important to avoid high-impact activities, such as running or jumping, as well as activities that require twisting or pivoting, like tennis or basketball. These activities can put too much stress on your new hip joint and increase the risk of dislocation or other complications.

Instead, focus on low-impact activities that are gentle on your hip as it heals, such as walking, swimming, or cycling. These activities can help improve your flexibility, strength, and mobility, without putting too much strain on your hip. You can gradually increase the intensity and duration of your activities as your recovery progresses, but it is important to listen to your body and avoid any activities that cause pain or discomfort. By avoiding activities that strain your hip and focusing on low-impact exercises, you can help speed up your recovery and improve your overall health and well-being.

Hip replacement surgery may relieve hip arthritis pain, but recovery is challenging and requires preparation, rehabilitation, pain management, a healthy diet, and avoiding hip-joint straining activities. Work closely with your doctor and therapist to increase your chances of a successful recovery and return to an active lifestyle. It takes time and patience, but with the right approach, you can regain mobility and improve your quality of life.

Read More – Arthroscopy Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide for Patients

Written By : Radiance Hospital

Are you looking for a knee replacement in Ahmedabad? Are you looking for a knee specialist in Ahmedabad? Are you wondering which is the best knee hospital in Ahmedabad? Do you want to be treated by the best joint replacement surgeon in Ahmedabad? Your search ends here!

Knee pain is no joke. Whether it’s due to an injury or inflammation or simply the result of getting older, or having arthritis – both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis lead to pain- knee joint pain can be a significant source of discomfort and frustration. It can limit your mobility, impact your ability to perform everyday activities, restrict your range of motion and negatively impact your overall quality of life.

Total knee replacement surgery

That said, for many people, surgery may be the solution to their joint pain problems. This procedure involves replacing damaged or worn-out parts of the joint with artificial components, allowing for improved function and less pain. But before you rush into joint replacement surgery, it’s essential to do your research and fully understand the risks and benefits of the procedure.

One of the most significant benefits of knee arthroplasty is a reduction in pain. For many patients, this means a significant improvement in their overall quality of life. They can walk, run, and engage in activities that were previously too painful or difficult. In some cases, it can even delay or prevent the need for more invasive procedures, such as hip replacement surgery, down the line.

However, it’s important to note that the procedure is not without risks. As with any surgery, there is a risk of complications, including infection, blood clots, and nerve damage. Recovery from the procedure can also be a lengthy process, requiring weeks or even months of physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo surgery – whether it is partial knee replacement or total – should be made in consultation with our expert specialists. They can help you weigh the pros and cons and determine if surgery is the right option for you. With the right approach and support, total knee arthroplasty can be a life-changing solution for those struggling with joint pain. But before you start preparing for knee replacement surgery, there are a few questions to ask your doctor at Radiance Hospitals.

Read More: 5 tips for a successful knee replacement surgery


Do I Have a Clean Bill of Health?

Ask your doctor before knee replacement if you are fit for it. If you are considering knee replacement surgery for your debilitating joint pain, it is important to prioritize your health conditions, especially if you have diabetes or excess weight. Effective control of these conditions can help ensure a smooth postoperative recovery.

Numerous studies have shown that even moderate weight loss, such as 5-10 kilograms, can significantly reduce your hospital stay and enable you to be discharged to your home instead of a rehabilitation facility. In addition to weight management, many experienced surgeons suggest a pre-surgery physical therapy regimen to build up the muscles surrounding the knee joint.

We might ask you to make certain leeways. One of the most common, on the day of surgery, is to stop taking any blood thinner you have to minimise blood loss during surgery. Depending on your type of surgery – ligament, joint damage, or any other compartments of the knee or around the knee, fitting an artificial joint – you might have to make other accommodations.

How do I rest and recover?

Arthroscopic surgery is a quick surgery with a tiny incision. However, your knee may still be healing weeks after surgery. Surgery can help, but try not to do anything that might result in the need for emergency care. It might feel like you’ve recovered mere days after surgery but you haven’t. Much can still go wrong – from twisting the joint to other issues including blood clots if you don’t build the muscles that support you. This is also why our expert doctors may restrict certain activities, even general physical ones.

Patients who are in good physical shape may be eligible for a same-day knee replacement, which means you can leave the hospital in 48 to 72 hours.

However, be careful. Surgery and recovery go hand in hand. Remember to

  • follow all the instructions
  • use a walker or crutches
  • check your physical condition daily
  • supportive friends or family members
  • someone who is able to drive you home on the day of your surgery
  • avoid using harmful substances like cigarettes and alcohol
  • use any assistive device we ask you to use

Don’t forget, you’re still recovering, even weeks after the procedure. Even though the surgery is done, your body is healing. If you need pain relief, ask for it. If you need at home, outpatient physical therapy to strengthen the muscles, our health care team will help ease that transition. The risk of failure in knee replacement is low, but not zero.

Will waiting cause further, irreparable damage?

Knee surgery is a major procedure that involves replacing the damaged or worn-out joint surfaces of the knee with artificial parts called a prosthesis. It is a common treatment for severe knee arthritis, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While joint surgery can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life and relieve pain, waiting too long to have the surgery can cause further damage in and around the knee joint.

The decision to undergo total knee replacement surgery is a complex one, and the timing of the surgery is critical. If a patient waits too long to have the surgery, the joint may become severely damaged, making the surgery more difficult and increasing the risk of complications. Delaying the surgery can also lead to increased pain, muscle weakness, and deformity. In some cases, waiting too long can even impact the ability to fully straighten the knee after surgery, which can affect the overall outcome of the procedure.

In the past, many doctors recommended that patients wait until they were 60 or older to consider surgery around the knee to avoid future surgeries down the road. However, with improvements in implants and surgical technologies, this thinking is changing. Today, the decision of when to get a new knee is a partnership between the patient and their surgeon. The surgeon will evaluate the patient’s individual circumstances, including their age, overall health, and the severity of their knee osteoarthritis. They will also consider the patient’s quality of life and how the condition is impacting their daily activities.

There are several factors that can influence the decision to have knee joint surgery, including pain, mobility, and the ability to perform daily activities. If a patient’s knee pain is severe and affects their ability to sleep, walk, or perform other activities, our orthopedic surgeon may suggest that you replace one part of the knee – like the damaged cartilage or the kneecap -. Similarly, surgery may be the best option if the patient’s mobility is limited, or they are experiencing muscle weakness or deformity.

In conclusion, this surgery usually significantly improves a patient’s quality of life and relieves pain, but waiting too long to have the surgery can cause further damage. The decision to have this surgery should be made in partnership with the patient’s surgeon, based on their individual circumstances and quality of life. If you are experiencing knee pain or other symptoms of knee osteoarthritis, it is important to talk to your doctor about your options for treatment, including knee replacement surgery.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

You’ve heard of a hernia, but what is it really? A hernia occurs when part of your insides decides to try and get on the outside – through a hole or weak spot in your muscles or tissues forming abdominal cavities. This is also called  hernia.

Hernias are actually quite common and can happen to anyone. They can be caused by regular wear and tear on your muscles as you get older or from an injury, surgery, or even a birth disorder.

Now, let’s talk about some common hernia locations. You may get a hernia in your lower chest through your diaphragm, like a muscular wall separating your chest from your abdomen. Or, you may get a hernia in your groin through your lower abdominal wall, which can be uncomfortable and inconvenient. Another possible location for a hernia is along the front midline of your abdomen, like a little bump that won’t go away. And if you’ve had previous abdominal surgery, you may even get a hernia through the incision site, aptly called a hernia recurrence. Your body is saying, “Hey, remember that surgery we had? Let’s revisit that spot!” If these often happen enough, doctors even assign them a recurrence rate!

So, it’s important to be aware of them and take care of your body. If you think you may have a hernia or are experiencing any discomfort or pain, contact us immediately. After all, we are one of the best places to get hernia surgery in Ahmedabad – in fact, we have state-of-the-art facilities for any Laparoscopic Surgery in Ahmedabad!

Now let’s take a look at how we treat them.

Laparoscopic approach

One of the most common treatments for hernia is surgery. Back in the old days, people had to opt for open surgery but thankfully, those days are far behind us. With the invention of minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeries, we have entered a new technological age with low risk, less pain and high success. At Radiance, we ensure that you get access to the best doctor for hernia in Ahmedabad.

So, what is laparoscopy?

Incisional hernia repair or mesh repair involves using a slender instrument known as a laparoscope. This device is inserted through small incisions in the belly button. The operation is typically done under general anesthesia under the care of a hernia specialist doctor. You will undergo a thorough medical examination beforehand, including a health history review, physical assessment, lab testing, and an electrocardiogram.

The surgery itself is painless. The laparoscope is equipped with a small camera, less than the size of a ten-cent coin, that projects images of the inner body onto screens in the operating room. Carbon dioxide gas is safely introduced into the abdominal cavity to create space and permit the surgeon an unobstructed view. An incision is made in the peritoneum, which is the inner lining of the abdomen, to reveal the weakened area of the abdominal wall. A mesh is positioned internally to cover the fault and firm up the tissue.

The small abdominal incisions are stitched or covered with surgical tape after the procedure is finished. The incisions become almost invisible after a few months.

Read More: Understanding Laparoscopic Surgery: Benefits, Risks, and What to Expect

Advantages of laparoscopic hernia surgery

Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair changed the game in hernia surgery. Here are the advantages of laparoscopic surgery when we compare the two techniques.

Lower risk of infection

Where traditional open repair leaves the patient’s vulnerable insides open for all kinds of germs to get in and cause infections and problems, the techniques of laparoscopic surgery are much subtler. It also majorly reduces the chances of bleeding after surgery.

It also allows for greater precision and accuracy, as the surgeon can view the affected area on a screen and make more controlled and precise movements. This is particularly important in delicate procedures, where even the slightest mistake can have significant consequences.

Smaller incision size

While it might seem trite in the grand scheme of things – seeing as how patients undergoing this procedure may very well die without it – a smaller incision, apart from letting fewer germs and contagions into the body – leads to a smaller scar. That saree you might want to wear to a family function? We’ve got you covered.

Moreover, the complication rate for laparoscopic repair – unilateral inguinal as well as bilateral hernias – is also significantly lower. There is also lesser or no pain after laparoscopic repairs. Anyone who performs the surgery cannot recommend it enough.

Shorter operating room (OR) times

Several studies show that laparoscopic mesh repair is faster compared to open surgery for repairing hernias. Minimally invasive surgery typically takes about 30 to 90 minutes, while open surgery can take two to three hours or more. The time required for recovery and returning to normal activities is also generally shorter with laparoscopic repair. Not having longer operative times serves the patient in the long run.

Shorter recovery time

Who doesn’t crave an earlier return to work and daily activities?

Comparing laparoscopic and open surgery, hernia surgeons agree that laparoscopic procedures have a faster recovery time. When put next to each other, recovery time was significantly lower. Plus the absence of postoperative complications helps.

The majority of patients who undergo laparoscopic hernia repair are able to go home the same day. However, this length of hospital stay is not guaranteed. Remember, the length of time a patient must remain in the hospital after the procedure will vary depending on their general health. In most cases, patients can resume their daily activities and go back to work one to two weeks after surgery. In addition to adhering to the surgeon’s post-operative recovery instructions, scheduling and showing up for all follow-up appointments is crucial.

Multiple hernias treated at once

The nail in the coffin in the debate over laparoscopic or open repair is this : This surgery is one that offers the option to address multiple hernias through the same small incisions. This means that multiple hernias can be repaired simultaneously without the need for multiple incisions, reducing scarring, pain, and recovery time. Additionally, laparoscopic surgery offers better visualization of the internal structures through a camera, enabling the surgeon to identify potential complications and perform more precise and efficient repairs.

Besides, laparoscopic surgery also allows for a quicker return to normal activities, less post-operative pain, and a shorter hospital stay compared to the traditional open hernia repair method. Furthermore, this approach has a lower risk of infection and mesh displacement, making it a safer option in most cases.

Overall, laparoscopic surgery offers a much safer and more effective approach to treating a wide range of medical conditions, with fewer risks and a faster recovery time.

However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for laparoscopic surgery, and the patient’s individual circumstances and medical history must be taken into account before deciding on the most appropriate surgical approach. It is always best to consult with our qualified surgeons to determine the best course of treatment for your hernia.

As technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see more and more procedures being performed using minimally invasive techniques, further improving the outcomes for patients around the world. At Radiance Hospitals, we want to ensure you get premium services using the newest and best technologies. This is what makes us the best hospital for hernia surgery in Ahmedabad!

Read More: How Long One Should Wait to Have Hernia Surgery

Written By : Radiance Hospital

Most people have heard about laparoscopy in one way or another. Whether it is on your Facebook page, a WhatsApp group chat, or an advertisement. Or perhaps your doctor recommended it to you and here you are, researching it. If you’ve questions about the procedure, you’re at the right place. So, let’s talk about it!

The easiest way to understand laparoscopic surgery is to think of a keyhole. If you wanted to see what was happening inside a locked room, the easier way to do so – given that the door is not made of glass – is to use a keyhole. Think of your body as a locked room, your walls of skin and muscle rendering it very much opaque, not transparent. So, to look at what is going on inside without open surgery, doctors put you under anesthesia and make a small incision through which they insert a surgical tool called a laparoscope. This is a small incision near the abdomen, bowels or belly button. Your surgeon may use it to diagnose problems in the pelvis, uterus or gall bladder.

You might ask – what are the benefits of keyhole surgery, compared to a traditional surgery?

1. Minimally invasive surgery.

For one, it’s a surgical technique that requires just a small cut thus leading to shorter recovery time. Laparoscopy makes sure there is a tiny opening for foreign bodies to enter your abdominal, intestinal, pelvic or other vulnerable areas. This also means a lower risk of infection. Moreover, the stitches or surgical sutures that a surgeon makes on any of the areas of the body are tiny cuts which lead to less scarring.

2. Recovery time.

Laparoscopic surgery will always have a faster recovery time. In fact, it should not be more than a couple of days before you can have someone drive you home. We have had patients who were free to go home the same day. We have visibly seen improved patient outcomes with minimally invasive surgical techniques. Postoperative care, when using the laparoscopic procedure, is so minimal – the instructions very easy to follow, like, you need to avoid eating – that the recovery room may not even be touched post-surgery.

3. Less discomfort.

Creating a working space inside the body upon which surgeries can be performed thanks to a video camera and the surgeon’s ability to see inside your body on a video monitor – and magnify anything they need to – makes for surgeries that are overwhelmingly successful. In diagnostic laparoscopy, depending on the type of surgery out of the various kinds of operations possible, the surgeon uses narrow instruments that give them a wide working and viewing space.

Types of Laparoscopy – the kinds of operations performed using a laparoscope

There is a vast array of laparoscopic surgery uses. Many abdominal surgeries like Bariatric surgery and intestinal surgeries are performed using laparoscopy. It is instrumental in removing a portion of the intestine – frequently used to treat digestive problems like diverticulitis or Crohn’s disease that don’t respond to medicine fixing a groyne , Different types of  hernias like Umbilical Hernia, Hiatus Hernia, Inguinal Hernia etc..

  • Gastric bypass or weight loss surgery ( Bariatric Surgeries).
  • Cancer is another major player removed. Surgery may be particularly useful in removing all or part of a cancer-affected organ, such as the prostate, liver, kidney, colon, abdominal walls or ovaries.
  • It may be performed to take cysts, fibroids, stones, and polyps out.
  • For uterus removal, the technique is called hysterectomy, and it is usually done to treat heavy or painful periods, endometriosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

A lot of people confuse laparoscopy with a biopsy but they are not always the same. Often, laparoscopy is used to diagnose various cancers, especially of the liver, pancreas, ovaries, bile duct
or gallbladder, and colorectal cancer. In this case, a small tissue is brought out and examined. This is called a biopsy.

What to Expect During and After Laparoscopic Surgery

You won’t remember the laparoscopy because it is done when you are unconscious and under general anaesthesia. You may also be able to return home within 24hrs to 48 hours after the procedure, depending upon types of procedure or surgery.

You will be instructed on how to care for your wounds before you leave the hospital, as well as when to schedule a follow-up appointment or have your stitches removed (although dissolvable stitches are often used).

You might experience some soreness or stiffness where the incisions were made for a few days following the treatment, especially if a breathing tube was required. A painkiller will be provided to you to aid with the pain.

After the surgery, some of the gas utilised to inflate your abdomen may still be present. This could result in bloating, cramps or shoulder aches because the gas might irritate your diaphragm (the breathing muscle), which can irritate shoulder nerve endings.

Once your body has absorbed the residual gas, these sensations shouldn’t last more than a day. They are therefore nothing to be concerned about.

Risks and Complications of Laparoscopic Surgery

  1. Unsanitary surgical instruments

A medical center may fail to use the right surgical instruments when performing laparoscopy. This includes trocars. The trochar, once the abdomen is inflated and the laparoscope is inserted, serves as a doorway for inserting additional tools like graspers, scissors, staplers, et cetera afterwards. Trochars also enable the escape of carbon dioxide gas or liquid from bodily organs and the abdominal cavity. These trochars may be placed in the abdominal or pelvic areas and unsanitary ones could lead to further infections or worse.

  1. Possible complications

Complications resulting from a laparoscopy also include:

  • bleeding and the potential need for a blood transfusion
  • Infection – can ben controlled with special care of sterilization.
  • a risk of damage to internal structures, such as blood vessels, the stomach, bowel, bladder, or ureter
  • adverse reactions to anesthesia
  • abdominal inflammation or infection
  • blood clots


It is important to note that the majority of issues and risks arise due to neglect, lack of infrastructure and equipment and/or doctors who are untrained or do not specialize in laparoscopy. Like everything else in medicine, a surgeon may need years of training before he or she is able to perform laparoscopic surgery with great success rates. This is why at Radiance Hospitals, we make sure we have world-class infrastructure and equipment as well as specialists in laparoscopy. This is what makes Radiance Hospitals one of the best laparoscopic hospitals in Ahmedabad and the world over.

Love yourself enough to give yourself the best care available. Come over to Radiance Hospitals and we’ll take care of it all.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

Joints are one of the most significant pain areas globally. Almost everyone goes through joint pain in one form or another throughout their lives. This could be due to a wide number of causes from arthritis, gout, overuse, infections, injuries and so on. From a dull throb that doesn’t go away to the feeling of sharp knives in your joints, pain can come in any form. However, sometimes the pain becomes too much, comes too frequently or is chronic.

When it starts affecting your life and how much you can function, it becomes a threat to your way of living. This is when you should start looking for solutions to pain. Over-the-counter medicines work to an extent. Rather than keeping the focus on how to elevate the pain, it is better to diagnose the main cause. One of the best ways to achieve that is by arthroscopic surgery. Here is a complete guide.

What is Arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose joint issues. The doctor can use arthroscopy to view inside a joint without making a large incision. While this could be for purely diagnostic reasons, it is also to help repair problems. With the help of one small incision, additional small incisions and narrow surgical instruments, orthopedic surgeons can even fix some types of joint injury during arthroscopy.

While Arthroscopy can be performed on any limb with a joint, the more common ones are arthroscopic knee surgery and total hip arthroscopy. This is usually undertaken when the knee joint or the cartilage, soft tissue or ligament within is inflamed or aching.

How is Arthroscopic Surgery Performed?

Some components of arthroscopy are quite common, even though the experience varies based on why you’re having the operation and which joint is involved. Once you are brought into the operation room and lay on the bed, your hand or forearm will receive an intravenous catheter from a nurse.

Depending on the type of surgery you are going to undergo, our doctors will carefully choose whether to give General / Spinal anesthesia for the particular procedure.

The Benefits of Arthroscopic Surgery

When compared and contrasted against traditional surgery, or open surgery, arthroscopic techniques present a bouquet of benefits.

1. Lower risk of infection

Since there is a tiny incision through which the orthopaedic surgeons perform all operative procedures arthroscopically, it keeps the area mostly sterile which reduces the chances of other infection transmitting.

2. Lower risk of complications

Since arthroscopy requires imaging, this allows the surgeon to diagnose injuries, repair or remove damaged tissue, repair tendons view the joint space and possible complications without the need for traditional open surgery.

3. Lesser recovery period

Every arthroscopy procedure, including knee arthroscopy, is a minimally invasive procedure. This drastically reduces the recovery time. A shorter time to heal makes it easier to get back to your routine. Plus, you may benefit from less pain!

Tips for a Successful Arthroscopy

While this is a much safer procedure than traditional surgery, there are a few conditions as well that you would benefit from following. There are two stages of preparation needed to ensure a smooth procedure.


Control medication

There may be a certain list of medications that your healthcare provider asks you to avoid. Make sure you follow these instructions carefully for a safe and smooth procedure. Some medications can lead to serious harm if not stopped, for example, blood thinning pills may stop blood clots from forming.

Control food intake

Fasting is the best idea before an arthroscopy. Your doctor may recommend certain food items not to be eaten or ingested.

Arrange a ride back home

Make sure there is someone to drive you back home. While this is a relatively safe procedure, there is a chance you may fall asleep at the wheel, or flare up synovitis – swelling in the affected joint – based on your joint conditions.

Choose to clothe with care

Free loose clothing is highly recommended. Tight clothes can mash your bones together leading to problems in the future.


There are a few things you should do following your surgery to help.

See a physiotherapist

Just because you’re not in the operating room anymore and have moved to the outpatient area does not mean all the problems inside your joints are healed. Physical therapy is very important at this stage. Always make sure you are doing the prescribed exercise. This is an integral part of your rehabilitation. It ensures your range of motion stays the same and doesn’t lead to additional issues in the affected joint. Bandages may help reduce swelling and help tam synovium but always ask your surgeon first.

Expect improvements step-by-step

Remember that this is not a miracle cure-all. It takes a little bit of time. While this is a procedure that allows for faster healing, it is not instant. Be patient with yourself and soon, it will all be better.

Avoid strenuous exercise

Motion is good but your joint needs to heal. Soft exercises like yoga or tai chi help, but don’t jump into workouts.

RICE – rest, ice, compress and elevate the joint.

Use a crutch if needed

Don’t be shy when it comes to your health. Use any devices that you get better faster, including crutches.

Enquire and show up for appointments

If you have more swollen areas, it is not always advisable to tie a tourniquet around it and call us. Make sure you don’t take any steps that lead to a pitfall of more pain. Call us or book appointments for regular checkups and at any other time when you are wondering what to do.

At Radiance Hospitals, your health is our highest priority. This is why we only have the best arthroscopic surgeons and state-of-the-art infrastructure making us one of the best places for Arthroscopy surgery in Ahmedabad and the world over. Choose to give yourself the best. Choose Radiance Hospitals.

Written By : Radiance Hospital