

Knee replacement surgery in Ahmedabad

5 tips for a successful knee replacement surgery

When knee pain is making your life hard and making things very painful or even impossible to perform, knee replacement surgery can come as a blessing to many people. Despite that, knee replacement surgery, just like any other surgery can feel like a huge thing to do. Even though it doesn’t come with many risks and is a simpler procedure that has become better over time, some fear is ordinary. So if you have decided to undergo knee replacement surgery, here are the top 5 tips that you can follow:

Background checks

Background checks are important for everything, especially when it comes to your health. Make sure that the hospital you choose has all the right facilities you will need after knee replacement surgery. Many hospitals lack even the basic care you will need.

At Radiance Hospitals we ensure you have world-class facilities, international standard care and the best amenities so you never have to worry about care during the process to give you the highest standard of treatment for knee replacement surgery in Ahmedabad.

The next most crucial step you can take to ensure a successful total knee arthroplasty is selecting a doctor with the appropriate training and experience. The more knee replacements the doctor has performed the better equipped he or she is to foresee and avoid difficulties. All of our staff at Radiance Hospitals is highly trained and experienced. We ensure that we have some of the best experts for knee replacement surgery in Ahmedabad and internationally.

Additionally, you ought to call with a list of inquiries for your doctor’s visit. Inquire about the various surgical options, potential risks, the length of the recovery period, and post-operative pain management techniques. It will be easier for you and your loved ones to adhere to your treatment plan if you have reasonable expectations.

Planning for the procedure

Planning is the first step to having a successful knee joint surgery. Prepare for the procedure with your mind, body and home.

Get whatever assistive devices you might require following knee replacement surgery. Orthopaedic gadgets you might require, depending on how you feel following surgery, are

  • crutches, a cane, or a walker as walking aids
  • sock aids and shoehorns
  • Grab bars all over the house at a proper height
  • An elevated toilet seat
  • bath chair

There are other things necessary for recovery after knee surgery that reduce recovery time like

  • Remove trip risks to prevent falls. Ensure that your floors are tidy.
  • Make a path for walking around any furnishings.
  • Put the things you’ll need close at hand.
  • To pick up objects that are low to the earth, keep a gripping tool close by.
  • Give safety rails in your bathroom some thought.
  • Set up a single-story dwelling area.

Rest, recovery and physical therapy

Surgery is just one step in the journey. You must be prepared for the part after the surgery – the recovery process and rehabilitation. The recovery time for a knee surgery varies based on the procedure used, the anaesthetic used, your overall health, your age, and other elements. After a joint replacement, physical therapy and medication to manage pain are crucial components of the healing process. You’ll gradually improve knee function while experiencing reduced discomfort. It can take about 15 days to 1 moth to fully recover after surgery. In some cases Depends on comorbidities / age of the patient also.

Patients who do the following are the most likely to do the following:

  • Give rest and recovery proper importance

Maintaining your routine is crucial. Follow any instructions provided by your physician, and carry out all the exercises that your physical therapist suggests. Attend all of your physical therapy sessions as well as your surgeon’s follow-up appointments. Take prescription medications as directed and never stop taking any medications without first consulting your doctor.

  • Avoid undue stress on the knee

Avoid lifting any heavy objects that can put too much stress on your artificial knee since you run the risk of breaking it. Make sure to turn your full body when facing a new way to prevent twisting your knee. Always be very aware of your posture when you sit, kneel, or bend over.

  • Take Recommended Supplements and Vitamins

43% of patients going for orthopaedic surgery, according to one research, have insufficient levels of vitamin D. Many orthopaedic patients also take iron supplements to help their blood count recover from surgery. Never be afraid to discuss vitamins or supplements with your doctor to help with your recovery.

Pain-relief hacks

Pain can be a big problem immediately after surgery. You should concentrate on healing but never forget about pain control. A step essential to the recovery process, especially for outpatients recovering from knee surgery with a new joint is dealing with chronic pain in the first couple of weeks. It is normal to not know how to deal with pain and swelling, scar tissue and to get back to daily tasks, regular activity levels and normal function. Effective pain management helps you heal as quickly as possible. It is important to remember that this pain is only temporary and progress with physical recovery can relieve pain with a few hacks such as –

  • Compression Stockings

For six weeks, you should use compression stockings on both legs. You can remove them from time to time to wash them. These stockings reduce swelling and prevent blood clots from forming in your legs, among other potential health issues. Patients with total joint replacements should always wear thigh-high compression stockings on the surgical leg. Take care of your new knee and avoid all knee injuries. Understand that you may have a smaller range of motion in the beginning but this is not a setback.

Knee compression plays a crucial role. If the stockings don’t fit you comfortably, it’s likely you’ll also use a calf-high compression stocking and wrap the knee and lower thigh in two 6-inch compression bandages as a backup. Wear thigh-high stockings and a stockings-wrap combo to hold the dressing in place.

  • Hot and Cold Treatment

Three to six months after surgery, despite rehab, inflammation following knee replacement may persist. During the first few days following surgery, it is typically advised that you apply an ice pack several times a day for around 20 to 30 minutes to help reduce inflammation and pain. When the initial swelling has subsided, alternately applying heat and ice to the affected area will help to loosen up the muscles and reduce stiffness. If ice doesn’t reduce swelling or if you believe prolonged durations of cold or heat might be beneficial, consult your doctor or physical therapist.

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining good health will promote quicker recovery after surgery. An active lifestyle helps speed your recovery. Other choices you need to make are regarding a healthy diet, home exercises and an excellent care team like the one at Radiance Hospitals. If you smoke, try to cut back or stop because it causes your blood vessels to constrict, which slows the healing process. If you are on a blood thinner or narcotic painkillers, stay away from alcohol. Reduce your weight because being overweight puts more strain on your knee and might delay healing. Finally, once your doctor gives the all-clear, engage in low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or pedalling a stationary bike to strengthen the muscles in your legs and increase blood flow generally.

Ask for help to help speed recovery

Your body may experience a hard time recovering, especially with arthritis. One of the best tips to help speed recovery from a total knee replacement is to ask for support from friends and family.
Organize child or pet care, if necessary. This can ensure that your loved ones are taken care of and reduce any stress you may be experiencing.

Create a meal plan to eat a healthy diet. Ask your loved ones to bring you nutritious meals while you heal or to assist you in preparing meals that you can freeze in advance.

Get help for domestic tasks and other needs. Employing a special nurse is also a great idea.

Most Importantly physiotherapy: If your doctor suggests than go for physio therapy for 15 to 20 days after surgery which gives a fast and better results.

Take precautions to protect the new joint’s strength and range of motion. Expect to you a cane or walker, take pain medication and engage in activities that decrease the risk of high pain levels.

Don’t forget your therapy appointments.

Never forget to ask one of our professionals any questions you may have or for any health information regarding joint replacement surgery. Keep in mind that you can reach us even via phone. Never again be concerned about difficulties related to obesity with Radiance Hospitals by your side.

Remember to always listen to our experts and let us know if you need further help or resources. We are always here for you.

Read More – How to Deal With Knee Pain? Dos and Don’ts

Written By : Radiance Hospital

Hip Replacement in Ahmedabad

Hip replacement surgery tips for a successful procedure

Pain of any kind is hard to deal with but it is doubly true for chronic hip pain. When medication and physical therapies don’t work and when it starts affecting your day-to-day life, surgery becomes a really good option to avoid long-term issues. While it sounds like a risky option, we know that in today’s day and age, medicine has progressed so much that it is not a very risky procedure anymore.

There can be many reasons besides just pain that you may opt for surgery. Whether it is severe arthritis or a damaged hip, hip replacement surgery can help solve these problems. This is a relatively common option that can change your life for the better.

Here are a few tips from our experts at Radiance Hospitals to make your journey a little easier and the procedure a success.

Make careful choices

One of the most important things you will do for yourself is the choices you make for hip replacement surgery and successful recovery. Everything from the hospital you choose to the doctors and specialists you decide upon play a crucial role in the success of your operation. Moreover, the procedure you discuss with your team and decide upon may well determine how successful the operation is for you in the long run.

At Radiance Hospitals we make sure to equip ourselves with world-renowned doctors, specialists and experts so you have the best outcome out for hip replacement in Ahmedabad. Moreover, we have state-of-the-art technology, ensuring that we only deliver the highest quality of treatment to you.

Plan everything in advance.

The procedure should not be where your planning begins. You need to arrange everything well in advance. One of the easiest ways to do it is to create multiple checklists.

The first checklist can be about the questions you need to ask your doctor.

The first question on that checklist should be Is a joint replacement currently the best course of treatment for me? What other therapies should I consider? You should also make it a point to ask about

  • How well the total hip replacement surgery works with someone my age and what problems might I have?
  • What will be my recovery time?
  • What to do prior to the surgery to ensure a successful hip replacement surgery? There are often specific things you need to do without others having to go through the same. One example is weight loss. Prosthetic hip replacements are designed for every weight. If you have a high body fat percentage, you might need to lose some weight.
  • What are the possible side effects or hazards of the procedure?
  • Which medical issues (diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure) require a visit with my primary care physician?
  • How long will I have to stay in the hospital after the procedure?
  • How should I spend the evening before my procedure?
  • Can I talk to other hip replacement patients?
  • How to care for my new hip?

Get your home post-operation care ready.

  • Ensure that everything you require is nearby and on the ground floor, as this will be where you spend the majority of your time.
  • Have a low enough bed so that when you sit on the edge of the bed, your feet are on the floor. Your mattress should be firm.
  • Have a restroom or a portable toilet on the floor you’ll spend the majority of your day on.
  • Stock up on toilet paper, shampoo, and other personal supplies.
  • Make your own single-serve meals or purchase them.
  • Make sure you can access everything you need without having to bend over or stand on tiptoes.
  • Stock a cabinet at your waist and shoulder level with food and other essentials.
  • In the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and other areas you will use, place a chair with a sturdy back. You can sit down and complete your everyday duties here.

Focus on hip replacement recovery.

Do not take recovery time lightly. It is a crucial stage in the long run. For a successful total hip replacement surgery and long-term success, follow the instructions of our physical therapist word for word. Moreover, follow the instructions of our surgeons to make sure there are no future complications. Trust the recovery process.

If there is something he or she tells you to do that you cannot do, please talk to them about it and they will help you figure out the next best alternative.

Follow the exercise plan assigned to you by our physical therapist. A good recovery from total hip replacement surgery happens via exercise, a healthy diet and body weight, taking precautions against blood clots, taking care of the incision wound and good nutrition.

According to research, patients continue to gain advantages from physical therapy that prioritised enhancing walking abilities after the first three months of treatment.

It’s beneficial to engage in light exercise, including taking short, leisurely walks around your house or outside. In the weeks following surgery, supervised physical therapy, such as rehabilitation programmes and hydrotherapy, can also aid in improving recovery.

In order to avoid overdoing it, your Orthopaedic Care staff will be able to assist you with this. Overdoing things could cause you to feel greater pain and lose confidence. Striking a balance between exercising and resting is crucial.

Return to normalcy steadily.

Don’t take everything on all at once and never try to speed up recovery. Most hip joint surgery patients are able to walk from the next day of surgery.

You may therefore be tempted to get back to normal life and activities as soon as possible. However, you should refrain from taking part in the more active hobbies you enjoy, like getting back to the gym. Understand how delicate hip and knee replacement procedures can be.

Different sports can put different kinds of strain on the body. It may hinder your therapy after hip replacement surgery. The worst-case scenario is hip dislocation. So if you don’t want to keep visiting the surgery center and starting a collection of every hip prosthesis in the market, pay attention to daily activities and physical therapy after hip replacement and respect the recovery period following your surgery.

Regardless of whether it is the right hip or the left hip, all our hip replacement patients are given strong dos and don’t’s for the coming weeks of your recovery and care instructions for the artificial hip. It’s important to follow the advice from your team at Radiance Hospitals.

Get help after hip surgery.

Surgery may leave you needing support with showering, using the restroom, cooking, running errands, shopping, visiting the doctor, and exercising. Talk with your family and friends and make sure you have people to support you through recovery after surgery. If not, consider going to rehab, joining a recovery program, renting a recovery room or asking our experts what would be the best option for you. Ask our expert doctors about having a trained carer visit your home if you don’t have anyone to help you during the first one or two weeks following surgery. This individual can also assist you with daily tasks and check on the safety of your home.

Nurses guide you through every step to help you prevent injury or dislocation, reduce the risk of infection, prevent blood clots, help with wound care, improve blood flow, help you in tolerating arthritis pain and other tasks that are disruptive to handle like physical therapy exercises or perform measures such as activity modification after leaving the hospital. Also, an important role they play is to increase your mobility and ability to accomplish all the tasks you need in your daily life around the house. It may be as simple as just using the bathroom in privacy, but it helps to re-acclimate to daily life around with increased strength and mobility. Moreover, it also ensures that someone will be available if you need anything leading to a high success rate of recovery following orthopedic surgery.

For total hip replacement recovery, also consider

  • a long-handled sponge for the shower
  • a long-handled shoehorn
  • use a walker, cane, or crutches
  • a reacher to aid with putting on your pants, taking off your socks, and picking up objects from the floor
  • a tool to assist you in putting on your socks
  • handles in the bathroom

With Radiance Hospitals care team by your side, you will never be puzzled about what to do next or how to resolve any issues during your weeks of recovery. We believe in honesty, so you will understand all you need to know about the procedure. Come have a consultation with our orthopaedic surgery specialists and our orthopaedic surgeon.

Read More – Why does joint pain increase during winter? And 8 ways to cure it.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

Diabetes control

With the onset of winter, a lot of health problems tend to arise. As the temperature drops, atmospheric pressure goes down and bodies start going to “energy saving mode” as a primal survival instinct, everyone’s health is adversely affected. However, people with severe and chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, should be on higher alert.

Diabetes is an illness that needs to be kept under check for several reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that sugar levels tend to be erratic and even the smallest of changes can lead to significant damage. Diabetes control should become a top priority during colder days. Diabetic people are more likely to have high blood glucose levels in the winter than in the summer. As the temperature decreases and sugar levels rise, diabetes patients should be especially cautious of temperature swings or seasonal changes. The cold weather causes various health difficulties for diabetics, in addition to causing a significant fluctuation in blood sugar for diabetes.

Let’s look more closely at the critical relationship between the winter season and diabetes, and how people with high blood glucose levels may stay healthy in the coming months.


The following are the most dangerous consequences that diabetes people may experience throughout the winter.

  1. Change in hemoglobin levels

Diabetes is identified more frequently in the winter months than in the summer months, according to studies, since people with diabetes have higher HbA1c values during this season. The seasonal variation in hemoglobin concentration and red blood cell counts appears to be due to temperature and not relative humidity. This difference is evident in every gender, race, age, and diabetes severity category.

The hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) test measures the amount of blood sugar attached to your hemoglobin that “is the part of your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. It is an important blood test that gives a good indication of how well your diabetes is being controlled.”

This difficulty in obtaining correct blood test results during the winter months can be problematic, as frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels is critical for diabetics. This is especially true for people on insulin or at risk of acquiring dangerously low blood glucose levels. Diabetes control is, therefore, important and should be done with blood sugar control. Doctors will be unable to change his prescriptions to keep his blood glucose levels within the recommended range if the patient does not exercise blood sugar control. Similarly, he will be unable to recognize and control low glucose levels, which can lead to major problems such as loss of consciousness or seizures if left untreated.

  1. Increased Stress Levels

The chilly weather puts the body under extra effort, leading it to release stress chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones induce your liver to produce more glucose for energy, resulting in an increase in blood sugar levels. Blood sugar control is key and getting frequent blood sugar tests is important.

These stress hormones are also secreted more quickly during illness or infection, which is prevalent throughout this season. When the body is exposed to an illness, stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are released, reducing the efficacy of insulin – the hormone responsible for decreasing glucose levels. This causes elevated glucose levels, which may be difficult to return to normal.

  1. Increased Risk of Disease

Our immune system is mostly impacted by lifestyle factors such as poor food habits, a lack of physical activity, a lack of sleep, and a stressful work environment. It is also heavily affected by changes in the weather. This is why your immune system frequently struggles throughout the winter.

When the weather is warm and windy, the body gets languid and lethargic, resulting in a weak immune system. Winter also brings with it a slew of viruses, illnesses, and allergies. It is critical to focus on improving your white blood cell count and preparing more antigens in the body to fight various illnesses, making you stronger, healthier, and more active to enjoy the chilly but cozy weather.

  1. Mental Health problems

Physical health is not the only thing that takes a hit when the colder season arrives. With lesser sunlight and lower outdoor activity, winter blues may have a heavy impact on your lifestyle.

People with seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder fall prey to this but diabetes also plays a major role in affecting mental health during winter. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a kind of depression that is produced by a change in seasons, most notably when autumn arrives. This seasonal depression worsens in the late autumn or early winter before subsiding in the warmer days of spring.

A milder variant, known as “winter blues,” also exists. It’s common to feel sad during the winter months. Due to less sunshine in winter, the brain produces lesser serotonin, a neurotransmitter connected to brain circuits that control mood. When nerve cell connections in the brain that govern mood do not function properly, it can lead to feelings of sadness as well as weariness and weight gain. Diabetes worsens the problem tenfold.

  1. Nervous System Problems

Diabetes can cause many neurological diseases which may become worse in the cold. Diabetes control may require additional support. Other issues include:

  • Nerve ache

If you have nerve pain, you will notice that the temperature affects your symptoms. This is due to the neurological system’s reaction to temperature variations. If the temperature is too high, you may feel weary and sluggish; if it is too low, you may experience more discomfort.

  • Muscle tenseness

If you have multiple sclerosis or suffer from spasticity, cold temperatures can trigger muscular rigidity and spasms.

  • Loss of sensation

Most diabetic people are unaware of their nerve functions and are unable to feel the difference between cold and hot water, which can lead to burns. During the winter season, most diabetic patients tend to lose feeling in their toes and feet due to vascular changes

  • High blood pressure

If you have high blood pressure or vascular difficulties, you should avoid being out in the cold for lengthy periods of time and make sure your home is warm enough.


So, it’s winter outside, there are fewer hours of sunlight, and you’re sick of dealing with diabetes. The cold weather encourages you to move less and consume more. What now?

Here are a few tips to keep the winter blues away!

  1. Warm your body up.

Exercise reduces blood sugar, improves insulin utilization, keeps you warm, and can even enhance your mood.

There are several methods to be active without leaving your house. Try yoga, going up and down the stairs, dancing, or cleaning your room. Warm up your muscles, cleanse your mind, and reduce your blood sugar by exercising them.

  1. Take good care of yourself

Diabetes is more difficult to manage while you are ill. If you have a cold, virus, or flu and develop ketones, make sure to stick to your sick day restrictions. If ketones persist, consult us at Radiance Hospitals.

  1. Keep a good diet

Count your carbs, eat healthier foods, increase your protein and fiber intake and control your sugar and fat intake. Try not to order food from outside. Stews and soups with lots of nutritious veggies can help keep you warm and are often healthy choices. Excessive indulgences linked with the holiday and festive seasons should be avoided.

  1. Don’t forget to medicate

Take your medications regularly. Be careful about your insulin doses and timings. Regularly conduct blood sugar tests to know your dosages and meals.

  1. Keep your Spirits Up!

It might be more challenging to keep in touch with friends throughout winter. Spending time with people can help you beat the winter blues, even if it requires a bit extra work. Invite a friend. Simply conversing can improve your mood and make you feel less lonely.

Despite your best efforts, the winter blues can set in and leave you feeling gloomy. We all have terrible days, but if you are feeling “blue” for an extended period of time, you should seek professional treatment.

You should also be on the lookout for the following depressive symptoms:

  • Being exhausted (more than usual).
  • Having difficulty concentrating on chores.
  • A shift in eating habits.
  • Irritability or moodiness.
  • Feeling stressed and/or guilty.
  • Craving solitude
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities that you formerly loved.
  1. Regular checkups

You cannot exaggerate how essential regular checkups are in winter. Even on your own, you need to conduct more blood sugar tests and diabetes tests in general. But coming down to our center is highly recommended so we can stay up-to-date.

Maintaining blood sugar control will help you through the harsh winter. Following the ideas above of being active, counting carbohydrates, and remaining connected with people can help keep your body and mind healthy all winter – and throughout the year!

With Radiance Hospitals, you are not braving the winter alone. We will be with you till the end of the line. Make sure you get more checkups and stay updated on your health during these days. Book an appointment with us to stay on top of your health.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

Bariatric surgery in Ahmedabad

There is no question that bariatric surgery yields solid results when it comes to weight loss. It is one of the best ways to gain long-term and significant weight loss as per multiple double-blinded medical tests.

In fact, people who need to drop 30 kilos or more without bariatric surgery may have some initial success but less than 5% of people maintain their weight loss for five years or longer. In fact, patients typically regain their weight in less than a year. Meanwhile, around 90% of patients after bariatric surgery lose 50% of excess body weight and keep this extra weight off long-term.

Weight loss surgery can add years to the life of those who are severely obese. In large scientific studies of hundreds of thousands of patients, weight loss surgery has been shown to lower a person’s risk of death from any cause by over 40 per cent. After surgery, you may be able to walk around and be more physically active. You may also find that your mood improves and that your quality of life improves. As a bonus, as you lose weight, you may be able to take fewer prescription prescriptions, reducing your financial burden.

Now let us look at the risk. Weight loss surgery was once thought to be high risk, with largely aesthetic benefits. This is absolutely false. The risk is incredibly low in the first year, around the same as with gallbladder surgery. Surgery for weight loss reduces the risk of mortality from a variety of conditions, including heart disease (40% lower), diabetes (92% lower), and cancer (60% lower). When the dangers of surgery are weighed against the advantages of surgery, the choice to have surgery becomes much simpler.

So let us dive into the depth of how bariatric surgery gives you seven additional benefits.


Losing and regaining weight does little to address the possible health issues linked with obesity. To consider weight reduction successful and one that can lead to a better standard of living, you must keep it off for at least five years.

On top of helping you do that, here are seven additional benefits of weight loss surgery.

1.   Long-term remission of Type II Diabetes

The best weight loss surgeries often shrink the stomach, allowing you to feel full sooner and eat less food overall. They also generally inhibit the small intestine’s capacity to absorb calories from meals.

Certain hormones are affected by bariatric weight loss surgery to lower your appetite and enhance how your body metabolizes fat and utilizes insulin. People with type 2 diabetes develop insulin resistance so bariatric surgery becomes the obvious choice in treating diabetes.

According to credible research, bariatric surgery can assist persons with type 2 diabetes to maintain their blood sugar levels while also improving weight reduction, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and renal function.

Moreover, in another long-term trial, 400 persons with type 2 diabetes were studied. Six years after bariatric surgery, 62% of patients were free of diabetes. They had lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and lipid levels as well.

In comparison, just 6% to 8% of those who took medication but did not have surgery had comparable outcomes.


It is no secret that Obesity and Blood Pressure are highly interlinked and interconnected. One of the biggest reasons for high blood pressure is obesity. As weight loss surgery doctors worldwide will tell you, obesity brings about high blood pressure in many ways.

First, the excess weight presses down on internal organs like the heart, lungs and even the blood vessels. In addition to that, the usual reasons for obesity are a bad diet and lack of required exercise which leads to cholesterol clogging the arteries. This means the heart has to work extra hard just to get the same amount of blood flowing through the body.

This adds strain to the heart, making it work more for the same or even lower results. Arteries, which are not used to this added pressure and flow try to resist this. All of this combines into one thing- increased blood pressure.

High blood pressure, sometimes known as hypertension, is defined as a blood pressure reading of 130/80 mm Hg or above. A diagnosis of high blood pressure is often determined by averaging two or more readings taken at different times.

Our weight loss surgery doctors will categories your blood pressure based on how high it is.

Stage-I Hypertension.

The maximum value is between 130 and 139 mm Hg, while the lowest is between 80 and 89 mm Hg.

Stage-II Hypertension

The highest temperature is at least 140 millimeters of mercury, and the minimum temperature is at least 90.

Several studies have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that gastric bariatric surgery is now the most effective therapy for hypertension. Furthermore, obese individuals see a reduction in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality following bariatric weight loss surgery. These good cardiovascular results include lower blood pressure levels and less organ damage.


According to weight loss surgery doctors, obesity is second only to smoking as a preventable cause of cancer. Excess weight causes your cells to inflame, resulting in changes in human bodies that include the growth of malignant cells.

Obesity is linked to the development and progression of 40% of malignancies, including postmenopausal breast, endometrial, colorectal, kidney, liver, and pancreatic cancers. Currently, weight loss surgery is a successful method for those who have obesity and are unable to reduce weight using a medically supervised diet and exercise regimen. Research shows many cancer prevention effects of bariatric weight loss surgery.


Sleep apnea is a potentially hazardous disorder in which the throat becomes obstructed during sleep, causing breathing to halt. It is especially frequent among fat or overweight persons. One of the most successful therapies for sleep apnea is gastric bariatric surgery, which results in remission in 80 to 85% of patients. Weight loss surgery doctors believe that most patients lose 50% to 80% of their extra body weight after 18 to 24 months of surgery when patients lose weight after surgery, the fatty tissue around the upper airway shrinks, which can remove or lessen the upper airway collapse caused by sleep apnea.


Obesity has been shown to reduce fertility in both men and women. It has a drastic impact on sex hormones in both men and women- seminal outcomes in men; menstrual cycle, PCOS symptoms, pregnancy in women, and sexual function in both men and women.

The best weight loss surgery enhanced hormonal balance and sexual functioning in both men and women, as well as sperm count in men and pregnancy in women. The most substantial evidence was discovered for the impact of bariatric surgery on sex hormones. Furthermore, obesity has a negative influence on fertility and IVF results through a variety of pathways. In an ovulatory women, weight loss surgery has been proven to improve menstrual cyclist. Obese women’s greater risk of miscarriage normally decreases following weight loss surgery.


Adults who were obese had a 55% greater chance of acquiring depression during their lifetime than those who were not obese, according to research.

Overweight people frequently have issues with physical and professional functioning, due to their size and chronic illnesses. Being unable to do the activities they enjoy might lead to social isolation, loneliness, and increased difficulties in coping with life’s challenges.

Chronic pain has been related to depression on its own. Obese people may also be concerned about being criticized for their appearance. Additionally, inflammation can increase the chance of getting depression and possibly contribute to psychological problems.

It is not a hard conclusion to draw, therefore, that gastric bariatric surgery proves to be incredibly helpful in reducing these problems. Several studies confirm that weight loss surgery is often an effective solution for overweight people with depression.


Weight reduction surgery can also help with metabolic syndrome, pregnancy issues, gallbladder disease, and other health problems.

Bariatric surgery results in major adjustments in your whole lifestyle. It has an impact on both your emotional and physical well-being. Since weight reduction surgery significantly improves your weight management, you have more energy for everyday activities. As a result, weight reduction surgery may be quite beneficial in changing the way you perceive yourself and modifying your life for the better.

With Radiance Hospitals, you will always have support and guidance at your fingertips. We believe in giving you the utmost care- with us, you will never have to worry again.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

Arthroscopy surgery Ahmedabad

When you have arthritis, the pain may feel like it is overwhelming on days. At different stages and people with different levels of sensitivities may experience it altogether differently, but we can all agree that living with it is neither easy nor fun.

In fact, let’s be honest: living with arthritis may be gloomy at times. Chronic pain and exhaustion can have an effect on everything from your job and hobbies to your ability to perform the most basic tasks. Arthritis can also increase anxiety, especially if you are already prone to worrying. It’s difficult to predict the future when you’re not even sure you can open a jar of pickles. And mental problems such as depression and anxiety can exacerbate arthritis symptoms, producing a vicious cycle of pain and terror.

While the pain may seem chronic, we have a little list of things you can do for arthritis pain relief to find comfort.

Understanding the disease

First, let’s briefly understand the disease. Arthritis is characterized by swelling and discomfort in one or more joints. The most common symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, both of which increase with age. Osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are the most common kinds of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis causes the breakdown of cartilage, which is the firm, slippery substance that covers the ends of bones where they form a joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition in which the immune system assaults the joints, starting with the joint lining.

Gout is caused by uric acid crystals, which grow when there is too much uric acid in your blood. Other arthritis can be caused by infections or underlying diseases such as psoriasis or lupus.

There is no foolproof strategy to avoid arthritis. However, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of stiff and painful joints as you age. This is why it is critical to take care of oneself, both physically and psychologically. Unfortunately, self-care may often feel just as overwhelming as your condition, which defeats the purpose.


  1. Knowledge is power

Learn everything you can about arthritis, such as the type of arthritis you have and whether any of your joints have already been injured. Enlist the help of one of our expert doctor and get up to date on your condition. Ask for help from your friends and family to help manage your pain. Inform your doctor if your pain worsens.

  1. Build a routine!

The foundation to a better life is laid on routines. From regular preventive care to everything else on this list, preventive care will help build disciple. This, in turn, helps keep everything under check and control.

People are creatures of habit, and routines provide a framework and organization that promotes health and wellness. A regimen may significantly enhance your health.

Many people who do not follow a regimen suffer from:

  • When there is no regularity, it is common to be concerned about “when will I get it all done?” A lack of good stress management strategies can increase your risk of heart disease and have a bad influence on your overall health.
  • Sleep deprivation.

You may find yourself playing catch-up with yesterday’s to-do list if you don’t have a regular routine at work or at home. If you’re constantly behind on what you should have done the day before, you’re probably also up at night worried about what didn’t get done.

  • Poor eating habits.

If no time is set out for grocery shopping, unhealthy diets- such as consuming a lot of fast food- become the norm. Quick, unhealthy replacements take over as the greatest meal option.

  • Compromise in exercise

  • Inefficient use of time.

When you don’t have a routine, you often run out of time, leaving tasks undone and not making the most of your time.

Routines may be enjoyable and do not have to be monotonous. Their health advantages will have you wondering why you didn’t begin one sooner! A regimen can benefit in the following ways:

  • Reduced stress

This leads to better mental health, more time to relax, and less anxiety.

  • Better sleep

This will leave you feeling rejuvenated. Your everyday schedule has an impact on your sleep quality. Your sleep pattern and nighttime routine have an impact on your brain sharpness, performance, emotional well-being, and energy level. It is preferable if you can keep a consistent schedule for getting up and going to bed.

  • Better health

Better health may be obtained with a little more forethought. Set your alarm a bit earlier, and you’ll have time to exercise and eat breakfast, which will feed your body for the day. Even a brief and nutritious meal will get you going in the morning. It’s crucial to find time for exercise, whether you enjoy going for a run or going to the gym for a more intense workout.

  1. Move it!

When your arthritis hurts, exercise may be the last thing on your mind. However, several studies demonstrate that physical activity is one of the most effective strategies to improve your quality of life.

Exercise gives you more energy. It can also assist to strengthen your muscles and bones while also keeping your joints flexible. To create stronger muscles, try resistance training.

Your muscles protect and support arthritis-affected joints. Aerobic activities will help you burn calories and reduce weight. Keeping a healthy weight reduces the strain on sore joints. Of course, if you’re having a significant flare-up, you should avoid exercising until the pain lessens.

Exercise can assist you if you have arthritis:

Current recommendations is to build a suitable workout regimen. Exercising with a trainer or another individual may be particularly useful since it boosts motivation.

Low-impact workouts to consider:

  • Swimming,
  • Walking,
  • Cycling,
  • Tai Chi
  1. Balance your diet!

According to research, a range of minerals may help alleviate arthritic symptoms.

Vitamin C-rich foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, may be beneficial.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in fish and fish oil, may also aid in pain relief.

Polyunsaturated fats include omega-3 fatty acids. They offer a variety of advantages, including the ability to reduce inflammation in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been demonstrated in studies to lower RA activity in the joints. Wild-caught fish is typically preferred over farmed fish.

If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, consider these non-fish omega-3 sources:

  • Walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds are examples of nuts and seeds.
  • Soybean, canola, and flaxseed oils are examples of plant oils.
  • eggs fortified, liquids fortified, and soy beverages

Omega-3 supplements come in a range of dosages. They are obtained from several sources, including:

  • fish oil
  • krill oil
  • cod liver oil
  • algae oil, for vegetarians and vegans


Experts advise focusing on whole foods rather than specific nutrients.

A balanced diet will provide you with all of the nutrients you require. Include lots of fruits and vegetables, nutritious grains, low-fat dairy, seafood, and lean meats like turkey and pork tenderloin in your meal. Choose good fats, such as nuts and avocados, as well as healthy oils, such as olive and canola oil.

  1. Avoid injuries

Your joints may begin to wear down gradually over time. When you hurt your joints, such as while playing sports or in an accident, you might damage the cartilage and cause it to wear out faster.

Within 10 to 15 years, almost half of patients who tear their anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) have X-ray evidence of knee OA. Even patients who have had surgery to repair an ACL injury are at risk.

Warm up before participating in sports and wear the correct safety equipment to avoid injury. Wear knee, wrist, and elbow protectors, as well as shoes that are comfortable and supportive. Check out this list of the finest walking and running shoes for persons with knee osteoarthritis.

  1. Rest well.

A restful night’s sleep will assist you in dealing with the pain and stress of arthritis. To improve your sleep, consider going to bed at the same time every night. Remove any distractions from your bedroom, including television and laptops. If you’re having trouble sleeping due of arthritis, consider using pillows to relieve pressure on sore joints. Consult your doctor if you have regular sleep issues.

  1. Use either hot or cold packs.

Hot compresses can relieve pain and stiffness by boosting blood flow. Taking a lengthy, warm shower or bath in the morning to help relieve stiffness and using an electric blanket or wet heating pad to lessen discomfort overnight are two heat therapies. Capsaicin, derived from chilly peppers, is a component of certain over-the-counter topical ointments and lotions. These items produce warmth, which can help to relieve joint discomfort.

Cold therapies can aid in the relief of joint discomfort, edoema, and inflammation. Swelling is reduced by cold compresses. Wrap a towel over a gel ice pack or a bag of frozen veggies and apply it to hurting joints for immediate relief. Never put ice straight on your skin.


The smallest of things can make a world of difference is your experience with arthritis pain. Make sure you are living your best life, with or without the illness.

We at Radiance Hospitals care about you and want you to receive only the best care that will last a lifetime. Our specialists are qualified professionals that know just what to do for you. They will lead you through everything and provide ongoing help so you are never left in the dark.

So come on down for a consultation. Remember, you are never alone with Radiance Hospitals.

Written By : Radiance Hospital