

How Long You Should Wait to Have Hernia Surgery

Do you have a pain in your abdomen or groin that doesn’t seem to go away, even with meds? Do you think it might be a hernia?

To answer that, we first need to understand what a hernia is and how it happens.


When an internal organ or other body part pushes through the muscle or tissue that surrounds it ordinarily, it develops a hernia. The majority of hernias develop in the abdomen, between the chest and the hips. If you have swelling and a protrusion that may be “pushed back” into your abdomen, you may have a hernia. If it continues to expand, hernia surgery will be required to treat it.

So, how long can you wait to have hernia surgery?

Unfortunately, it is more complicated than that. Hernias come in a variety of common forms. Let’s go over the common types of Hernias.


  1. Inguinal hernia:

In men, the spermatic cord and blood arteries that travel to the testicles enter through the inguinal canal. The circular ligament that supports the womb in women is located in the inguinal canal. Fatty tissue or a portion of the intestine protrudes into the groin near the top of the inner thigh in an inguinal hernia. Men are more frequently affected by this sort of hernia than women are.

  1. Femoral hernia:

At the top of the inner thigh, fatty tissue or a portion of the intestine protrudes into the groin. Femoral hernias, which mostly affect older women, are far less common than inguinal hernias.

  1. Umbilical hernia: 

An umbilical hernia occurs when fatty tissue or a portion of the intestine protrudes through the abdomen close to the navel (belly button).

  1. Hiatal (hiatus) hernia:

An opening in the diaphragm, the horizontal muscle sheet separating the chest from the belly, causes a Hiatal (hiatus) hernia, in which a portion of the stomach pushes up into the chest cavity.



Now, you might wonder, “How long can I wait to have hernia surgery?” Some small hernias, that do not grow, can be left alone. However, it is important to remember that most hernias get larger and more dangerous as time passes. While it may not be creating any problems right now, it is quite possible that if it is not treated, it will cause more major problems later.

If any of the following occur, your doctor will most likely suggest it:

  • Tissue, like the intestine, becomes caught in the abdominal wall. This is known as incarceration. If untreated, it can result in strangulation.
  • Strangulation of the hernia. This happens when the muscular wall squeezes the bulging tissue. As a result, the tissue’s blood supply is cut off, and it begins to die. This is a surgical emergency that can result in lasting harm. Organs that have been strangulated, if not removed soon, will make you extremely sick.
  • If you have a fever or nausea, abrupt discomfort that worsens, or a hernia that becomes red, purple, or black, call our expert doctors right away.
  • The hernia is causing pain or discomfort, or it is expanding.

Because of the potential for serious complications, doctors normally advise patients with a hernia to undergo a minor procedure to remove the probability of it becoming larger or worsening. How long you can wait to have hernia surgery will depend on all these factors.



Since there are different types of hernias, they have different types of hernia surgery. During surgery, the tissue that is making a bump is returned to its normal location. The muscle is then sewn back together. If needed, a mesh may be placed to provide support.

Your hernia can be removed in one of two methods, according to your doctor. Both are carried out in a hospital or surgical facility. You’ll generally be able to return home within a few days. In many circumstances, you will be able to leave the hospital on the same day as your surgery.

  1. Open Surgery

Before having open surgery, you will be given a general anesthetic. To open your skin, our experienced surgeons make an incision. They will gently reposition the hernia, tie it off, or remove it. Then, sutures will be used to close the weak part of the muscle where the hernia is pushed through. For bigger hernias, our surgeons may insert a piece of flexible mesh to provide additional support. It will help prevent the hernia from returning.

  1. Laparoscopic surgery

A general anesthetic will be used during laparoscopic surgery.

Laparoscopic surgery involves inflating your abdomen with a safe gas. This allows our surgeons to have a better view of your organs. A few tiny incisions will be made near the hernia. They will implant a thin tube with a little camera at the end. This is called a ‘laparoscope’. The surgeons treat the hernia with mesh using pictures from the laparoscope as a guide. Laparoscopic surgery frequently results in a speedier recovery. Patients are usually back to their normal routine a week sooner than with open surgery.

The sort of surgery you’ll require is generally determined by the size, nature, and location of your hernia. Our specialist doctors also take into account your lifestyle, health, and age.

The surgery does, in some cases, have alternatives.


When a hernia causes few or no symptoms, “watchful waiting” is considered a viable alternative to surgery. People who postpone surgery, particularly males with inguinal hernias, should be on the lookout for symptoms and consult a doctor on a frequent basis.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, around 70% of men with an inguinal hernia who delay treatment may develop new or worsened symptoms and will require surgery within five years. A bigger hernia is more difficult to fix if you wait too long.

Moreover, you may be advised to use a corset, binder, or truss. These supportive undergarments hold the hernia in place by applying mild pressure to it. They may provide relief from discomfort or pain. They are used if you are unable to have surgery or for brief relief prior to surgery.

That said, never, ever self-medicate these alternatives. They only work in rare cases and even then, surgery may become vital later. Use these garments only under the guidance of your doctor.


All in all, Hernia surgery is a more or less safe procedure with minimal risks. There are more benefits to undergoing the surgery as per the suggestions and recommendations of your doctor.

The fight against hernia is often a painful one. We want you to remember that all bad thighs come to an end. At Radiance Hospitals, we do it all for you. If you choose to come to us for the treatment of your hernia, we will work our hardest to ensure you are always taken care of. With us, you are never alone.


Written By : Radiance Hospitals

Are you tired of your knee hurting at the smallest things? Pain can become a part of our daily life, worsening your standard of living. There can be several reasons why your knee hurts, including injuries like an ACL Tear, Sprain, or fracture; mechanical issues like dislocation; or other medical issues like arthritis. Here’s why you shouldn’t delay knee replacement surgery. These things only worsen over time due to wear and tear. Not only do they hurt your lifestyle but they can be very dangerous in the long term. Do you think you may be delaying knee replacement and if so, what is the next step?

Most people would consider knee- replacement surgery as the last resort when all other options are exhausted and nothing else can be done or more pain becomes unbearable. However, this mindset has proven to be very harmful.

A study published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery discovered that postponing surgery might deprive patients of the full advantages of the procedure. According to the survey, over 90% of patients with knee osteoarthritis are waiting for the surgery for far too long. “People are waiting and waiting to have the procedure and losing the most benefit,” said Hassan Ghomrawi, Ph.D., MPH, associate professor of surgery at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Due to persistent fear of major medical procedures and the potential risks of knee replacement, people have a tendency to highlight only the possible negatives of the surgery. What they fail to take into account are the high risks of not having the surgery. Here are some of the risks of delaying knee replacement:

1. Higher Chances of Complications

The longer a patient waits for knee surgery, the more difficult the procedure might become. When a person delays knee replacement surgery, the process might become more complicated in the following ways:

· The knee may deform and hence be more difficult to repair.

· The surgical process may take longer than expected.

· Kneecap resurfacing may be necessary.

· Options may become increasingly less.

2. Greater Health Issues

Patients who are generally healthy at the time of their knee replacement are more likely to recover faster. The longer individuals wait and let their knee problems influence them, the worse their entire health will be. For example, an inability to walk without discomfort may lead to a lack of activity and weight gain, putting more strain on the affected knee.


To relieve the fears of the surgery, let us understand what the surgery is all about and why you shouldn’t delay knee replacement surgery. In damaged knee joints, knee replacement surgery can help reduce discomfort and restore function. Anesthesia is required for knee replacement surgery. Your feedback and preferences assist the doctors in deciding whether to employ general anesthesia, which renders you unconscious or spinal anesthesia, which renders you awake but unable to feel pain from the waist down.

To assist avoid post-surgical infection, you will be given an intravenous antibiotic before, during, and after the surgery. You may also be given a nerve block to numb your knee. The numbness eventually fades after the operation.

The operation entails removing diseased bone and cartilage from your thigh bone, shinbone, and kneecap and replacing it with a prosthesis consisting of metal alloys, high-grade plastics, and polymers.

Your knee will be bent, exposing all surfaces of the joint. Your surgeon will pull your kneecap aside and cut away the damaged joint surfaces after making an incision about 6 to 10 inches (15 to 25 cm) long.

The surgeon installs the prosthetic joint components after prepping the joint surfaces. He or she bends and rotates your knee before sealing the incision to guarantee correct function. The procedure takes roughly two hours.


Additionally, weigh the results against the risks to determine whether you should get the surgery done. Knee replacement gives pain relief, greater mobility, and a higher quality of life for the majority of patients. Furthermore, most knee replacements are predicted to endure longer than 15 years.

Most daily activities, such as shopping and minor housekeeping, can be resumed three to six weeks after surgery. Driving is also doable after three weeks if you can bend your knee far enough to ride in a car, have sufficient muscular control to use the brakes and accelerator, and are not currently on narcotic pain drugs.

Following your recuperation, you can engage in low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, golfing, or bicycling. However, high-impact activities such as running, skiing, tennis, and contact or leaping sports should be avoided.

In lieu of that, here are some ways you further remove the risk of knee replacement:

Make plans for your rehabilitation.

You may require crutches or a walker for many weeks following the treatment, so plan ahead of time. Ensure you have transport home from the hospital and assistance with daily duties such as cooking, bathing, and washing. If you live alone, your surgeon’s team or a hospital discharge planner may be able to recommend a temporary caregiver.

Consider the following to make your house safer and simpler to manage during your recovery:

· Because climbing stairs might be challenging, create a living area on one level.

· Install a sturdy railing or safety bars in your shower or bath.

· Stairway handrails must be secure.

· Purchase a sturdy chair with a solid seat cushion and back, as well as a footstool to elevate your leg.

· If you have a low toilet, get a toilet-seat riser with arms.

· For your shower, use a sturdy bench or chair.

· Remove any stray carpets or cables.

However, rashly rushing too soon is not very beneficial either. Thus, a question is raised:


There are many factors that go into consideration when it comes to surgery. The older a person gets, the more probable they have various co-existing health concerns, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, which can make recovery more difficult.

Because lean muscle mass reduces with age, the physical effort of rehabilitation may appear to be more difficult than if the operation was performed earlier in life. Many patients who had knee surgery said that they wish they had done it sooner for a speedier recovery, but also to enjoy more years with less discomfort.

That said, it is not uncommon for untrained surgeons to recommend the treatment too soon. So, now you know why you shouldn’t delay knee replacement surgery but also that you shouldn’t have it too early.


The only way to know the ideal time to have the operation is to consult with an expert who takes into account joint function, discomfort, radiological examination, and age to identify the optimum time to have a knee replacement.


Knee replacement is one of the most successful surgical operations, and when done correctly, it may bring a lot of benefits in terms of pain reduction and functional rehabilitation, as well as being very cost-effective.

At Radiance Hospitals, we care about you and want you to only get the best treatment that will last a lifetime. Our experts are trained professionals who know just what is the right thing to do for you. They will walk you through the process and even after, there is always support so you are never left confused. So come down and get a consultation. And remember, with Radiance Hospitals, you are never alone.

Written By : Radiance Hospitals

Weight Loss for Men: Understanding The Science Behind Belly Fat?

How to lose belly fat for men becomes a question in everyone’s mind because, with age, there is a high chance of acquiring belly fat in men. Chances are, people with an otherwise average physique end up with a pot belly. This is called ‘skinny-fat’ and Indian and South-Asian men, in particular, have a higher tendency than those in other countries to gather this fat. To understand how to get rid of belly fat for men, we first need to understand how it is caused.

The Science Behind Belly Fat

While there are multiple reasons that belly fat in men gathers, some of the major causes that lead to obesity includes:

  1. Drinking carbonated beverages

Drinks high in sugar and carbonation contain no calories on the surface, but the energy they give is often turned into fat by the body and stored. To burn belly fat for men, this is the first thing to cut off or minimise as much as possible.

  1. Overeating

Overeating, while bad even if done just once, is a poison that keeps on giving as it turns into a habit and then, an addiction. It can lead to various serious eating disorders, mess with your mental health and lead to worse physical health as well as increase belly fat in men. One of the first answers to how to lose belly fat for men dictates that overeating must be stopped.

  1. Binge drinking

Alcohol is 100% carbohydrates. When we say ‘beer-belly’ we sometimes mean it. While at a younger age and with high metabolic rates this can be burned off, after the 30s, ideally, cutting off all alcoholic intake will work wonders in cutting down the belly fat in men as well.

  1. Inflammation from an imbalanced gut microbiome

Not all of the belly fat in men is, well, fat. If you have become subject to a bacteria or virus due to bad food, this protrusion may be just an immune response. In case you feel this is what has happened, we recommend you talk to one of our experts as soon as possible. Your life could hang in the balance.

  1. A lack of exercise

Exercise is essential to keeping the body in a fit condition. Getting rid of belly fat for men will include some light yoga, a jog around the neighbourhood or playing a sport for 30 minutes.

  1. Stress

Stress and other mental health issues are a big reason for this. The higher the stress, the higher the amount of it and the harder it is to burn belly fat for men.

  1. Ageing

Ageing and belly fat in men are directly correlated. As a man ages, he loses a lot of strength and stamina. The body does not perform as well as it did before. The metabolic rates go down and a host of other problems crop up. Ageing is something that can cause a hindrance in the process of getting rid of belly fat for men.

  1. Smoking

Smoking is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to belly fat. Rather than burning away their lungs, they must put the butt out to burn belly fat for men.

Moreover, specifically for Indian men, there are various other reasons for belly fat including a carbohydrate-heavy diet paired with a more recent change from an agricultural, labour-intensive, high-heat lifestyle to a sedentary one. Low water consumption which leads to the minimization of the sensation of hunger. A deficiency of protein in the diet, an element required for muscular growth. This results in a lower metabolism- the rate at which the body burns calories at rest. Additionally, protein consumption causes you to feel fuller faster and a lack of it results in a higher caloric intake making it difficult to burn belly fat for men. Genetics also contribute to the buildup of fat around the waistline in comparison to other ethnicities. Moreover, on a daily basis, there is a lack of physical exercise. It is advised that people exercise for 30 minutes per day to burn belly fat for men. This is far from the norm in most Indian households.

The trouble with visceral fat – hidden fat 

The layer of fat cells or adipose tissue that envelops your abdominal organs deep inside your belly is called visceral fat. Now, almost all fat, when accumulated too much, is bad for you in terms of health. However, visceral fat is far more harmful than the fat that sits under your skin. This is why it is essential to get rid of belly fat for men.

Why is belly fat dangerous?

Because visceral or belly fat wraps around internal organs, it increases the risk of many major illnesses including Heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and high cholesterol. Many studies also indicate that belly fat produces enzymes and proteins that inflame a person’s tissues and narrows their blood vessels which leads to high blood pressure over time.  You must know how to lose belly fat for men. Let’s start with genetics, specifically-

How does genetics play a role in belly fat?

Whether or not genetics lend a hand in increasing belly fat is still debated in the medical field. While most studies show that people who have more belly fat tend to share this similarity with their parents and relatives, whether this is an effect of genes or lifestyle is not fully accepted. A study conducted on twins raised together and apart, from different childhood environments concluded that “genetic influences on the body-mass index are substantial, whereas the childhood environment has little or no influence”.

However, another study by the CDC found that while “the obesity epidemic can be considered a collective response to an obesogenic environment”, obesogenic means a situation where food that is high in calories is cheap and easy to find while the chances of physical activity are limited which perpetuates obesity, people even within the same family- cousins, siblings, parents and so on- respond differently to it and not everyone collects fat the same way.

On the whole, women tend to have more fat around the hips because it is safer to conceive a baby when it is protected by fat, and men tend to have more fat in the lower back region. However, some research indicates, that is where the similarities end.

That said most studies agree that whatever be a person’s genetic make-up, losing belly fat is not impossible, nor does it become an indicator that once lost the fat would return. So, knowing how to lose belly fat for men becomes important.


So you may wonder how to reduce belly fat for men or at least how to lose lower belly fat for males. The answers may not be as simple as you would like. You have to work on developing some healthy habits to work on stomach fat to reduce.

  1. Keep Moving

Like we said before, some light yoga, a dance or two, and a little jog would not be amiss. The more the body moves, the better.

  1. Eat Smart

You do need to cut down on the amount of food, but more importantly, you need to change it. Fewer carbs, less fat, more fibre and protein is the way to go. Next time you fill a plate, make sure you have more protein and greens than you have carbs and fat.

  1. Drink Water

Hydration leads to a lower diet and a higher metabolic rate, so if you want to know how to reduce belly fat for men, this should be at the forefront.

  1. Socialise

Those who have a larger circle of friends, so party hard but don’t have the junk food or alcohol and watch themselves transform into a better shape.

  1. Consult a Diet Professional

Consulting a diet professional to fix your diet is a brilliant idea. They will help you tailor your diet in a way that best suits your particular body type. At Radiance hospitals we have many great nutritional experts that can help you transform your lifestyle.

  1. Appointment with Bariatric Surgeon

If all else fails, there’s always bariatric surgery. We recommend that you talk to one of our esteemed Bariatric surgeons at the earliest of you face issues reducing visceral fat.

At Radiance hospitals, your priorities are our priorities. If you want to reduce your belly fat and keep it off, we have all the services available for you to do that. We can gently guide you through your journey and ensure you are never confused about the next step and know your progress.

Come and get rid of belly fat with us, because you are not alone and there is always a way out.


Visceral Fat:

Genes and obesity:

Twins and belly fat:

Written By : Radiance Hospital
5 Exercises You Should Do After Weight Loss Surgery

A significant number of people who go through Bariatric surgery complain about weight gain 2 years after the procedure. While the surgery is good to help you lose weight, it does not keep the weight off forever. So if you are worried about gaining the weight back after surgery, read on to find out how to keep the weight off once it’s on.

A lot of times, the true problem is that people tend to fall back into the same routine they had which made them gain weight in the first place. Lack of exercise, large quantities of malnutrition food, lack of sleep, and too much stress will make the weight come back as soon as it leaves. The hardest habit to break off is an inactive state of your body.

The most essential thing for you after the bariatric surgery is to create and maintain an exercise routine. A post-bariatric surgery exercise plan proves to be the most important thing in keeping the weight off. 

Before you go further, however, please take these as guidelines. This is not and cannot replace medical advice. Always talk to your doctor before attempting any of this.

Here is how you can stay fit after the bariatric surgery:

1-3 Weeks after bariatric surgery

1. Rest and Recovery

There should be no exercise this early. Your body is healing from the physical trauma of the surgery. Your body is a fresh wound and you don’t want to pull the stitches or start an infection. Unless your doctor has instructed you otherwise, take complete rest. 

1-3 Months After Bariatric Surgery

2. Walking

Once you have the green light from your doctor, start walking for 10 to 20 minutes a day. Remember, you’re just starting. Don’t push yourself too hard. As months go by, you can slowly up the number of minutes or kilometers. Make sure you’re not straining yourself. At this stage, we just want light movement, get your body used to a routine of movement.

3. Water Aerobics

Another activity you may try after 2 months of surgery is water aerobics. Here, water helps reduce the strain on your body while allowing it to move more freely. This lets your incisions heal faster as there is less pressure on your abdomen. That said, please make sure you visit a highly hygienic place. A water-borne infection could set you back several months or even make everything much worse.

NOTE: Make sure you do NOT do any abdominal exercises during this time. 

3-4 Months After Bariatric Surgery

All the exercises you were doing may continue. Check-in with your doctor if it is okay to take on more workouts.

4. Lifting weights

This is the stage where your trauma should be mostly healed. Lifting weight will help build up your strength. After such a long period of disuse, most of your muscles would have lost a lot of strength. To counter this, we should start with lightweight training. Only use weights up to 2 kg. As important as aerobic exercises like jogging are, anaerobic, muscle focus is also important. These muscles have lost a lot of fat, and their structure is not yet completely stable, so weightlifting shapes them.

5. Jogging

Running is a good exercise to do now, however, if it hurts or you’re still wary or have residue abdominal pain, jogging is perfectly fine. A 10-20 minute jog will do your body good. The most important factor is to make sure you’re okay. Stop if it starts to hurt or if you feel uncomfortable.

6. Yoga

Some light yoga will help your body heal better and bring strength to your muscles. Make sure it is more focused on meditation while starting out. Flexibility will come over time. Some light poses that remove the body’s tendency to be inactive are good.

5-6 Months After Bariatric Surgery

Adding to the above exercises, you can now also do a variety of other exercises. It should be simple and fun.

7. Swimming

Swimming is a great way to make sure that your entire body gets a workout. It is impossible to miss out on a muscle group while swimming. Plus, swimming is fun. Going for a swim two or three times a week will help your mind relax as well. Just make sure you keep it light and intermittent.

8. Dancing

Dancing is a great way to relieve mental stress while getting a workout. Put on some music and let your body move. This will free up a lot of muscles that are not normally used. It helps take care of your bones, balance and heart as well.

9. CrossFit 

If you’re someone who is very organized and dancing is too chaotic for you while weight lifting is boring, CrossFit is perfect for you. It is customizable and you can change the kind of workout you do every single day. Just make sure you have a trainer that understands that you’re on the pathway to healing and takes it easy.

10. Resistance Training

Once you are good with CrossFit, use free weights, machines and resistance bands to increase the difficulty of your workout. This will help strengthen your muscles, bones, joints and cartilages. 

Remember, the only bad workout is one that you didn’t do. Workout schedules are essential. Mark a time and a place you will work out and mark yourself present on your calendar every day. Chances are, if you miss out one day and don’t take extra care to go back the next day, then you’ll skip the week, then the month and the cycle will continue. This is a very dangerous path to go down because the body always wants to be at rest. Shaking off that habit can be one of the hardest things to do, so even if you don’t do your full work out, at least do some minimal exercise to ensure you don’t lose sight of your fitness.

Despite that, if it still happens, do not lose hope. You can always start again. Visit us and we’ll let you know how. Don’t forget to stay hydrated, you should have at least 11 Glass of water a day. Sleep well, take the rest your body asks for. Eat well, it is what will help keep you healthy. 

Here at Radiance Hospitals, we will be with you till the end of the line. You shall be given a diet and an exercise plan, your doctor will explain every step to you. This is your war, but we’ll help make your strategy. With us, you will never be fighting alone.

We wish you the best on this journey! Good Luck.

Written By : Radiance Hospital