

Spine Problem

The term “Orthopaedics” signifies a medical specialty that focuses on the body’s musculoskeletal system. This includes bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves.

Pain that originates in the spine anywhere between the upper and lower back is the “back pain” we refer to in our daily lives, obesity caused ones are:-

  1. A herniated disc
  2. Spine osteoarthritis

It affects approximately three out of four adults during their lifetime. Many back-pain patients complain about symptoms like numbness and tingling sensations, stiffness, achiness, and weakness.

It is known that obese people are more prone to spinal issues than those who’re not. Deleterious weight stresses almost every organ in the body, so it is no surprise that it also increases the risk of back pain, joint pain, and muscle strain. Every extra inch adds strain to the muscles and ligaments in the back since the spine tends to become tilted and stressed unevenly to an extent that the back may even lose proper support.

Extra weight around the stomach pulls the pelvis forward which in turn strains the lower back thereby causing pain. The vertebral disc as well, of an obese individual, may get weak or damaged sooner. Excess weight is also known to worsen pre-existing spinal issues.

The four common disorders found out by researchers are:-

  1. Lower back pain
  2. Spondylosis (spine degeneration)
  3. Internal disc disruption (IDD)
  4. Neck problems unrelated to IDD or spondylosis

Due to Obesity, adipose tissue causes extra pressure on the lumbar spine and knee which exacerbates pain. Bariatric surgeries help weight loss thereby reducing pain intensity to as much as 75% to 80.8%  as cited by an article of Bariatric times. The pain score carried out in the study when compared to preoperative baseline, indicated significant symptomatic pain resolution of the pain of head, neck, shoulder and lower back. Pain relief was observed in day to day physical activities during sports as well as work. Use of Analgesic significantly reduced. An increase in Quality of life within 6 months to 1 year post operation was observed.  

As per UCLA Health article, Retrospective studies showed that after performing Bariatric surgeries, the frequency of back pain decreased in up to 83% of the patients, and lumbar back pain symptoms were reduced in 82–90% patients in a period of 6 months to one year.

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Written By : Dr. Apurva Vyas

According to the article in mint by Michelle Fay Cortez, Bloomberg, 40% is the reduction in risk of death and heart complications for patients with diabetes and obesity who have undergone weight-loss surgery.

The various kinds of weight-loss surgeries help you lose weight and lower your risk of medical problems associated with obesity.

Let’s take a quick insight into the types of weight loss surgery and its benefits:

Sleeve Gastrectomy

In this procedure, the surgeon removes approx. 60 to 70% of the stomach and what remains is a narrow sleeve which connects to the intestines.

Since this procedure does not affect intestines, the body absorbs food due to which the person does not fall short of nutrients.

Gastric Bypass surgery

In this procedure the stomach is divided into two parts by the surgeon. The upper stomach is then connected directly to the lower section of the small intestine. In short, a shortcut is created for the food, bypassing part of the stomach and small intestine.

Weight loss in Gastric Bypass surgery is quick and almost 50% of the weight is lost after the first 6 months of the surgery.

Gastric Balloon/Intra-gastric Balloon System

In this procedure, a deflated balloon is placed in the stomach through the mouth. Once it is placed properly, it is filled with saline solution that provides a sense of fullness thereby curbing the hunger.

Gastric balloon/Intra-gastric balloon system does not require more hospital stay. The balloon is temporary, stays for 6 months to 1 year (2 types of balloon available – for 6 months and for 1 year) months and a person loses approx 12 to 17 kg of the body weight in the first 6 months.

Which Weight Loss surgery is the best?

A person should opt for a weight loss surgery depending on his/her BMI, Medical condition, comorbidities, and body type.

The best advice and guidance can be given by an expert and we at Radiance Hospitals are equipped to make sure you do not face any hassles while going for a weight loss surgery.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

Do you know you can be suffering from obesity without even knowing about it? Obesity is a disease where the body suffers from an excessive amount of body fat. It is a medical problem that increases the risk of heart diseases, BP, diabetes, and in some cases cancers. It occurs because of a combination of different factors including environmental factors, diet, and physical activities.

According to Prevalence of obesity in India: A systematic review by Rajeev Ahirwar and Prakash Ranjan Mondal, in India, more than 13 crore people suffer from obesity with the prevalence rate of 11.8% to 31.3%. Let’s see some of the most common causes of obesity.

Genetics affect your metabolism and how your body processes food.

  • Sedentary lifestyle leads to low physical activity.
  • Uneven sleep cycle leads to hormonal changes which make you feel hungrier. OSA – Obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Pregnancy weight can be difficult to lose which eventually leads to obesity.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) causes imbalance of female reproductive hormones which aids in weight gain.
  • Hypothyroidism also leads to obesity because of the lack of important hormones.

The good news is that morbid obesity can be cured using surgical methods. These are some of the surgical solutions of obesity.

  • Gastric bypass: In this surgery, food intake and its absorption is restricted. Some part of the stomach is closed off which leads to low intake of food in a single sitting. The small part of the stomach is attached to the small intestine and thus food bypasses the stomach and it leads to low absorption.
  • Mini Gastric Bypass: In this surgery, a part of the stomach is attached to the lower part of the small intestine.
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy : It is also called stomach stapling. It is done by applying staples or to the stomach.

Surgical treatments for obesity are gaining a lot of traction. But it is important to choose the best in the healthcare industry for long lasting results. Contact Radiance hospital and book your appointment for surgical treatment of Obesity.

Written By : Radiance Hospital

People often attribute being over or underweight to their genes To some extent research has backed this assertion, suggesting that genetics contributes to obesity by influencing things like metabolism, body fat distribution, food cravings and tendency to eat food as a way to cope with stress. The latter two are the aspects that the mental health professionals focus on.

According to the world health organization, patients with a history of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and schizophrenia, have a greater chance of becoming obese. Furthermore, a study found that obese patients suffered from depression as intense as those experiencing chronic pain. This led to the conclusion that a history of mental illness may increase the risk of obesity, while obesity may increase an individual’s chances of developing a psychiatric disorder.

Obesity is largely consequent upon overconsumption of energy-rich foods, and some of the medications prescribed for schizophrenia can enhance cravings for ‘junk’ food, as well as having other effects that add to the obesity risk profile. The link between psychiatric medication and obesity may be due to the fact that psychotropic drugs not only contribute to weight gain but also create changes in the sensitivity of the body to insulin. Psychiatric complaints can also cause obesity as a result of medication effects, hormone imbalances, and the behavioral issues that result from psychiatric disorders. So it needs to be ensured that psychiatrists do not risk their patients by exposing them to obesity by using medication known to be associated with substantial weight gain, unless there is no clinically sustainable alternative to cure the mental condition of the individual.

Age and gender of a patient can determine the strength of the link between obesity and mental illness. A study in South Africa conducted found that young women were most at risk for mental illness if obese. The researcher postulated that this is a result of women being inclined to be more distressed about the perception of being overweight than men, making them susceptible to mental illness.

Depression and low self-esteem have been observed in obese patients around the world, even when there has been no previous history of mental illness. Poor self-image, physical inactivity, the biological disruptions caused by obesity, and the social stigma related to being overweight all contribute to a predisposition to mental illness. So mentioned here are some lifestyle interventions that can help obese patients:

  1. Psycho-education and advice about diet and exercise involving experts, psychiatrists, and dieticians.
  2. Monitoring of weight, waist circumference and serum glucose, lipids levels
  3. Involving people in this process that can mentally influence them and in the process help them to take ownership of the problem and empower them.

However in some cases due to complex neurobiology processes mentioned above, lifestyle intervention may not be enough. Bariatric surgery in its current form is a relatively safe and effective intervention to treat obesity in mentally ill people.

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Written By : Dr. Apurva Vyas