

knee replacement ahmedabad

Seven Types of Knee Pain and What They Could Mean?

Knee problems are one of the most popular aches and pains that people go through. There can be many causes of knee pain, ranging from arthritis to knee injury. In this article, we’re going to look at knee pain that comes in seven forms, what they mean and what you need to do to release the pain. Keep reading to understand your pain better and find a solution that applies. Also, alternatively you can opt for knee replacement surgery at Ansh Obecure.

1.   Knee pain with a ‘crunch’

Knee “crunching” sounds don’t have to be a cause for concern.

This is sound is called ‘Crepitus’ and does not require any special therapy if you do not have any other symptoms. However, if you experience pain with it, you should consult a doctor to have your knee checked.

The rubbing of cartilage on the joint surface or other soft tissues around the knee during joint movement causes crepitus. Knee crepitus is primarily driven by the patellofemoral joint, which connects your knee cap to your thigh bone, or femur. Cartilage, the smooth, elastic tissue that covers the ends of bones, generally permits them to move freely in the joint. However, the cartilage surface may lose its smoothness with time. The crunching you’re hearing is most likely caused by roughened cartilage in your knee, which prevents the bones from sliding as freely in the joint as they should.


Work on strengthening the quadriceps muscles in front of your thigh to help prevent more knee troubles. Walking, riding, and swimming are all good ways to build quadriceps muscle. Exercises that directly target the quadriceps, both with and without weights, may also be beneficial.

2.  Knee pain when running

Apart from a recent injury or an old knee injury with chronic knee joint pain, there can be three main causes of pain that you can get from running and these can be determined by the area it hurts. Let’s get into them one by one.

  •       Runner’s Knee

If you have pain beneath the kneecap that worsens after running and when walking up or down stairs. This is because the cartilage beneath the patella becomes inflamed when it shifts out of alignment when jogging.

  •       Patellar tendinitis

Whereas, if your pain is beneath your kneecap and at the top of your shin that worsens as you run, you have patellar tendinitis. It also aches to go up and down stairs. The cause is the impact of running on the knee which can occasionally cause too much pressure on the patellar tendon.

  •       Iliotibial band syndrome

The third is when you experience pain on the outside of your knee. It usually starts around five minutes into a run and goes away after you finish. This is due to the iliotibial band (ITB) connecting your hip to your knee, crossing it. The bursa, a fluid-filled sac that sits around your knee between the ITB and the outside of your femur, is pinched, resulting in discomfort when the ITB is tense.


For the first two, Stop running until you are pain-free. Moreover, Five times a day, apply ice for 15 minutes. For the latter, unless pain causes you to change your form, you can run. Roll your ITB on the soft portion of your outside thigh using foam.

Remember, you may also Cross-train and reduce your distance. If the pain continues, call a doctor.

3. Knee pain in the morning

A lot of things can cause knee pain in the morning. Anything from dehydration to bad sleep may be to blame. However, if it occurs frequently, it might be an indication of a medical issue.

Morning knee pain is a symptom of numerous kinds of arthritis, including the most prevalent type, osteoarthritis (OA). It is also a symptom of inflammatory arthritis, such as:

  1.       Arthritis rheumatoid (RA)
  2.       Arthritis psoriatica (PsA)
  3.       Spondylitis ankylosing (AS)

The most common and biggest difference between morning knee joint pain in persons with OA and those with inflammatory arthritis is the duration of it. For people suffering from osteoarthritis, stiffness usually lasts only a few minutes and subsides soon after you begin moving. It may take an hour or more if you have inflammatory arthritis.

One of the most frequent types of arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA). It is the “wear and tear” kind that commonly affects adults over the age of 50. OA develops gradually and worsens with time. Your joint’s cartilage goes away, and, as with the runner’s knee, bone scrapes against the bone, causing agony.

Your knee may feel tight and swollen if you have OA, and you may have difficulty bending and straightening it.

4. Knee pain when climbing stairs

Knee pain when climbing up the stairs can have two major causes- Runner’s Knee and Arthritis- which we have discussed above.

Your knee may feel tight and swollen if you have OA, and you may have difficulty bending and straightening it. It’s usually worst in the mornings or when it’s raining. Your knee may collapse or weaken.


One of the best ways to alleviate OA pain is physical therapy to strengthen and stretch the muscles in your leg. Applying heat or cold to your knee, as well as wearing bandages to support it, may also be beneficial. Talk to a doctor and take over-the-counter or stronger pain medicines.

Lifestyle adjustments such as decreasing weight, taking fewer stairs, and swimming or cycling can also benefit your knees.

5. Knee pain with a pop

A common knee pain companion is a popping sound. As with the crunch, unless there is an accompanying pain, knee popping is perfectly fine. It occurs when carbon dioxide accumulates in the synovial fluid of the joint and is expelled as a gas bubble that bursts when the joint adjusts fast. With pain, however, it may be another form of Crepitus, the crunching knee, discussed above.

6. Knee pain that’s sudden and severe

Some of the most typical reasons for sudden and severe knee pain include:

  •       ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries:

These are common in sports that require leaping or other abrupt changes in direction. They can induce instability or make the knee incapable of bearing weight.

  •       Injuries to the posterior cruciate ligament, or PCL.

These can occur as a result of a hit to the front of the knee.

  •       Injuries to the lateral ligaments.
  •       Tears in the meniscus
  •       Fractures.
  •       Patellofemoral pain syndrome.
  •       Dislocation.
  •       Tendinitis.
  •       Bursitis.
  •       Arthritis.

7. Knee pain with bending and kneeling

Any pressure applied to an inflamed bursa will be unpleasant, therefore it’s no wonder that bursitis is one of the most common causes of knee discomfort when kneeling. In fact, one of the primary causes of bursitis is prolonged kneeling, thus it soon becomes a vicious cycle.

When you have knee bursitis, you will often experience acute pain in the knee when you initially kneel down as the bursa is squished, followed by a persistent dull achy ache as you kneel. As the squashed bursa re-inflates and expands, many patients experience severe knee pain when they rise up from kneeling.

Knee pain can come in many shapes and forms and if they’re severe or happen frequently, it is highly recommended that you see a doctor. At Radiance Hospitals, we take your health very seriously. With us, you can find out where your pain is coming from and get on the fast track to recovery.

Written By : Radiance Hospital
Bariatric surgery in Ahmedabad

How to Address Anxiety Before Bariatric Surgery 

“Surgery” is a word that brings with it a lot of anxiety and panic. People often imagine it as a worst-case scenario and fill their mind with bariatric surgery complications rather than the treatment that it is. With rising fears in the media, the medical industry is sometimes looked at with a suspicious or fearful gaze.  

It is completely common to experience anxiety prior to surgery, especially the day or two before, when patients are frequently in the hospital getting ready for the procedure. People occasionally undergo day surgeries, where they go to the hospital or doctor’s office, have the procedure, and then leave the same day to return home. Even so, it can be challenging to avoid worrying beforehand about the procedure, any potential hazards, and the anaesthetic. 


Effects of Anxiety before Surgery 

Stress and unpleasant sensations might result from severe anxiety. Shortness of breath, nausea, an anxious stomach, a hammering heart, a racing heart (rapid pulse), irregular heartbeat, and sleep issues are typical symptoms. People who experience pain from a cardiac problem may find these anxiety-related symptoms to be especially concerning. Anxiety can worsen pain and make it more difficult to cope with it. However, the bodily manifestations of anxiety are typically not a warning that a heart disease is deteriorating. 

When anxiety makes it more difficult for you to comprehend and recall crucial information regarding the procedure, such as instructions on how to get ready for it or how to recover from it, it also poses a difficulty. 


Understanding Anxiety 

Understanding how anxiety affects you is the first step you can take to combat it. Anxiety is a powerful emotion. Its role includes defending us from harm. As a result, anxiety may prevent you from entering potentially harmful circumstances in the first place. The “fight-or-flight response” is another reaction that helps your body get ready so you can protect yourself or run away from the threat. Because of this, anxiety makes you tense and raises your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. However, if there is no actual threat, this response is ineffective and may even be harmful. This is especially true if you keep worrying about bariatric surgery complications or bariatric surgery before and after without any fruitful solution. 



Some typical concerns with bariatric weight loss surgery include the following. 

  1. The outcomes not being visible right away following surgery, which causes uncertainty in the minds of potential patients. 
  2. A fear of not being a good candidate.  
  3. Family and friends may be pressuring some people not to get the procedure. 
  4. Having bariatric surgery requires a radical change in lifestyle. Change terrifies patients. 
  5. Some people fear failing and gaining weight again. 
  6. Patients frequently worry about potential postoperative problems and what the alterations might entail for them in the future. 


Solutions to the Anxiety 

Most people eventually develop the skills necessary to control their own anxiety and deal with scary situations. They come up with effective coping mechanisms to deal with the anxiety-inducing situations. But coming to the hospital and undergoing surgery is frequently an entirely different experience due to the fear of bariatric surgery complications. Here, friends and family are frequently required for both emotional and practical help especially before bariatric surgery. 

The good news is that you may already be doing something to help! 

Pre-operative anxiety can be managed in a variety of ways by different people. 

1. Facts and Figures 

 Some people make an effort to avoid anxiety or stress by gathering knowledge beforehand and discussing their worries with others. In fact, it’s critical and highly recommended to consider surgical statistics before bariatric surgery. Over the past several decades, surgery has advanced significantly. Surgery is now safer and more effective than ever thanks to new tools, technologies, and methods. In the case of bariatric weight loss surgery, this is especially true.  

With a miniscule complication rate that is comparable to that of a simple gallbladderectomy, bariatric surgery is currently one of the safest surgical treatments available. Modern methods and tools give us the greatest versatility with the least amount of risk. Additionally, having surgery with highly skilled surgeons like our doctors and specialists lowers the danger of the operation and increases the likelihood of long-term weight loss success. 

2. Distraction and relaxation 

Many employ reading, exercise, or relaxation methods to divert their attention. According to numerous research, listening to music prior to surgery helps reduce anxiety. You can unwind and get distracted from the thought of bariatric surgery complications with music. Depending on your unique musical preferences, you will benefit from listening to different kinds of music. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, exercises and more will help to alleviate anxiety and clear your mind. These are also useful after surgery, so it is always a good thing to start sooner rather than later. Stress is a leading cause of anxiety and weight gain and can be detrimental to your weight loss success. 

3. Support groups 

Talking to support groups can be exceptionally helpful as talking to other patients about their experiences with bariatric weight loss surgery can help to a great extent in reducing your worry. Try to fully grasp the procedure and how it will be for you from the viewpoint of other patients who have been through it before. Ask them about any bariatric surgery complications they faced as well as bariatric surgery before and after differences. This opens doors to finding out more about the outcomes that other people have encountered. You may also start enjoying the thought of possible weight loss for yourself.  

It is imperative to speak with those who are or have been in similar circumstances. Even just the prospect of the procedure can make you feel depressed. It’s crucial to minimise the psychological effects of the procedure and take advice from people who have already gone through it. They’ll be able to offer their knowledge and assist you in making sensible goals. In many ways, this gives patients more confidence to proceed with surgery and properly prepare for recovery.

 4. Talk to our experts 

Oftentimes, even with anxiety, there are problems that doctors can easily solve that non-professionals or people not from the field of education cannot. In case your anxiety won’t go down, always come to Radiance Hospitals. In a hospital, patients ought to be able to take certain things for granted. For instance, the hospital stay should be as comfortable as possible, waiting times should be kept to a minimum, and the staff should be aware of the patients’ needs. 

Counsellors, social workers, or volunteers who offer support and assistance are typically available in hospitals. Depending on what is triggering the anxiety, the best kind of expert support will be determined. Someone who is apprehensive about getting anaesthesia, for instance, will require a different kind of assistance than someone who is more worried about being in a hospital or someone worried about bariatric surgery before and after. 


What NOT to do: 

Firstly, avoid looking for accounts of bariatric weight loss surgery gone wrong or difficulties that people have encountered. No medical operation is guaranteed to be effective, and there will always be horror stories- no matter how rare – online. Your anxiousness will only grow as a result of reading about these. Just because a voice is loud doesn’t mean it speaks for the majority. Instead, discuss the potential risks and how to avoid them with your surgeon at your consultation. People who suffer issues frequently haven’t closely followed their postoperative instructions or have been slack with their wound care and recovery practices.  Some may have gone to hospitals that employ less experienced surgeons.  

Secondly, don’t keep it all to yourself. It’s critical to let your support network know about your worries and fears. And don’t feel bad; nobody who underwent surgery has ever been completely unnerved. Let us assist you in transforming your fear into anticipation.  

Patients who are concerned about their long-term weight loss can feel reassured knowing that they have a lot of control on their achievement. Surgery for weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. The main determinant of success is how dedicated you are to your new way of living and improved health. 

Please remember that Radiance Hospitals is always open to you if you have any questions about surgery. We can assist you in deciding if surgery, particularly bariatric surgery, is the right course of action. In order to better understand your goals and determine whether surgery is the best option for you, we look forward to having an honest conversation with you.  

And always keep in mind: With Radiance Hospitals by your side, you will never fight alone. 


Written By : Radiance Hospital
Obesity surgery in Ahmedabad

Types of Obesity & The Different Types Of Obesity Surgeries

Have you ever been going through social media- say, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube- and seen someone call someone else “obese”? From moderately slim women to healthy men, we have all been through it. The word gets thrown around but there are a lot of people who don’t know what it means and are happy to use it as an insult.

So today, let’s go over what obesity really is and how we can classify it.


WHO- World Health Organisation- defines Obesity as follows:  

“Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese.” 

In the same vein, BMI is defined as follows:

“BMI is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can indicate high body fatness.”

Calculate your BMI by finding your height and weight in this BMI Index Chart.

  • If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range.
  • If your BMI is 18.5 to 25, it falls within the healthy weight range.
  • If your BMI is 25.0 to 30, it falls within the overweight range.
  • If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range.



Thus, we come to the subdivisions of obesity: 

  • Class 1: BMI of 30 to 35 
  • Class 2: BMI of 35 to 40
  • Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher. Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized as “morbid” obesity.

That said, you must always remember that a healthy BMI is not the end-all of your indicators. The risks of obesity are only due to excess body fat, particularly visceral fat i.e. fat that collects in the stomach. Among the risks of obesity include increased blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol, all of which can increase your risk of illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In fact, according to the CDC- Center for Disease Control, the USA- BMI is just a correlation, because the greater your BMI figure, the more fat you’re likely to carry about.

According to the CDC, age, gender, ethnicity, and muscle mass may all distort BMI in terms of body fat. For example, if you’re really athletic and have a lot of muscle mass, your BMI may imply that you’re fat while in fact, you’re fit.

A qualified health care professional must conduct proper evaluations to determine a person’s overall health status including threats. Consult our expert doctors if you have any concerns about your BMI.

This brings us to the next question: 

If we are obese, how exactly can we achieve long-term health and weight-loss? Fortunately, there are several solutions available for reducing weight in a healthy manner. Obesity surgeries are one of these solutions. 


You may need to lose weight, which will likely lower your BMI if your BMI is in the upper tier and your body composition suggests you’re at risk for adverse health challenges. A woman’s waist circumference should be under 35 inches; a man’s waist circumference should measure less than 40 inches, ideally.

Here are the surgeries you can undergo to get results that last, supported by science and industry experts.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The majority of your stomach is removed during gastric sleeve surgery, also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, leaving just a banana-shaped piece that is stapled shut. As a result of the operation, your stomach can hold less food, causing you to feel full more quickly. The hormones or bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract that control hunger and metabolism may also be impacted by having part of your stomach removed causing long-term weight loss.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, often known as gastric bypass surgery, has three stages. Your stomach is first stapled, resulting in a tiny pouch in the top portion. You eat less because you feel full more quickly due to the much smaller stomach caused by the staples.

The bottom portion of your small intestine is then surgically connected to the little stomach pouch after the surgeon separates it into two pieces. Your body will absorb fewer calories since food will bypass the majority of your stomach and the top section of your small intestine.

The top portion of the small intestine is then reconnected to a new spot on the lower portion of the small intestine that is located farther down. This enables the stomach’s bypassed region to release digestive juices into the stomach. In order for food to be completely digested, this enables the digestive fluids in the stomach to move from the upper region of the small intestine to the lower part of the small intestine. Hormones, bacteria, and other elements in the gastrointestinal system are altered by the bypass, which may have an impact on metabolism and hunger. This also results in long-term weight loss and habits and behaviours are corrected over time. 

Mini Gastric Bypass

This is a minimally invasive and minimally scarring procedure. A pouch is positioned under the diaphragm during surgery, and its bottom edge is subsequently tightened to reduce the size of the stomach.

Intragastric Balloon

An intragastric balloon implantation technique helps you lose weight by inserting a silicone balloon filled with saline into your stomach. By restricting how much you can eat and quickening the feeling of fullness, this aids in weight loss.

During the operation, the doctor inserts a tiny tube (catheter) into your stomach that is loaded with an intragastric balloon. A flexible tube with a camera attached called an endoscope is then advanced by the doctor down your neck and into your stomach. Your doctor can observe the balloon while filling it with saline thanks to the webcam. Up to six months are allowed for intragastric balloons before they are removed with an endoscopy. Depending on the strategy decided upon by you and your doctor, a new balloon may or may not be implanted at that time.

No matter which surgery you choose after close consideration with our experts, always remember: Even if you don’t see results right away, keep up your consistency. Yes, even if it seems like the weight isn’t coming off quickly enough. The only way to lose weight permanently is to make persistent attempts to eat healthily, walk more, and maintain other good weight-controlling behaviours including getting enough sleep. Researchers discovered that people were more prone to give up on their objectives when their weight fluctuated, probably as a result of inconsistent efforts. Keep in mind: You can do this.

More importantly, the fight against obesity is a war. You lose some battles, you win some battles- but it is never the end. And always keep in mind that there is always help available. Come to Radiance Hospitals and get expert advice on what would work for you and what wouldn’t. We can tell you everything you need to know about weight loss and more.

The greatest weapon you can have at your side is the phone. We are your allies and we are only a call away. 

With Radiance Hospitals, we fight with you to make sure you never lose.

Written By : Radiance Hospital
hip replacement in Ahmedabad

What to Do and What Not to Do After Hip Replacement Surgery 

Hip replacement surgery, commonly known as hip arthroplasty, is used to treat hip discomfort. Artificial implants are used to replace sections of the hip joint during surgery. A ball at the head of the femur, commonly known as the thigh bone, and a socket make up the hip joint in the pelvis, also known as the hip bone. Hip replacement surgery involves the replacement of one or both sections of the hip. The procedure’s aim is to allow you to continue normal everyday activities and exercises with minimal pain. 

For a lot of people, hip replacement surgery becomes a crucial step in getting back to good health. The majority of patients feel the pain reduction by itself makes it worthwhile, and the enhanced mobility and hip function drastically enhance a person’s quality of life by returning freedom and the ability to engage in activities. According to studies, more than 80% of hip replacements last at least 15 years and more than 70% last at least 20 years, making it an excellent alternative for the long-term treatment of hip issues caused by severe arthritis. 

However, every medical procedure brings with it risks and a lot of those are complications on the patient’s end. Here are some ways to avoid that the surgery remains successful for a long time: 


  1. Do not bend more than 90 degrees at the waist. 

Try to remember that a recent surgery means that you are far more vulnerable, medically. Even a procedure as generally successful as hip replacement comes with limitations. It doesn’t take you back to being young and you no longer heal that quickly.  

Bending at the waist can cause permanent damage to the body. Bending down to tie your shoes, sitting in a low chair, or any other action that requires bending at the waist is an example of this. These exercises increase the likelihood of the replacement hip dislocating. 

  1. Do not extend your knees past your hips. 

Another risk is bending your knee past your hips. Bending over too much at the waist can dislocate the hip from its socket, and elevating your knees such that they are higher than your hip can do the same. 

  1. You should not cross your legs. 

Crossing your legs, especially crossing the operated leg over the non-operated leg, may be restricted merely for a few days or weeks following your operation, or for much longer, depending on the type of hip replacement surgery you’ve had. A displaced hip joint might also arise from this motion. 

  1. Don’t rotate or twist at the hips. 

Try to maintain your chest and hips pointed in the same direction as much as possible. Any action taken too quickly that jerks the new hip or causes too much distress to the operated area should be avoided at all costs. Some action is unavoidable and it is usually okay, but try to minimise it as much as you can. The lesser you obstruct the healing process, the quicker the joint will heal. 

  1. You should not rotate your feet too far inward or outward. 

Make an effort to maintain your toes and feet pointed in the same direction as your hips. This applies whether you are walking, standing, sitting, or lying down. 

  1. Do not drive until your doctor has cleared you. 

Driving after hip replacement is unique to each individual. Some people can drive after a few weeks of having hip replacement surgery, while others require longer time to recuperate and drive safely. Before you drive, consult with your doctor to ensure that you’re safe on the road and that it won’t interfere with your recovery process. 

  1. Avoid heavy activities and sports. 

Without first seeking permission, do not play tennis, downhill ski, water ski, run, jog, or engage in other physically demanding sports that need fast starts and pauses. Weightlifting is also not recommended. 

Do not engage in sexual activity until your six-week follow-up appointment has passed and your doctor has granted you permission; intercourse will be unpleasant in the first few weeks after surgery. Do not hurry the healing process. 

  1. Do not hurry the healing process. 

We understand how important it is for you to regain your independence, but the last thing you want is to injure yourself again- this time worse or permanently. If you do not feel ready to resume everyday activities after being discharged from the hospital, you have the option of recuperating at our highly skilled facility. You will get the rehabilitative treatment you need to mend and heal at your own speed. 


Now that we know what not to do, here are the things you should necessarily do. 



  1. Use Assistive Devices 

Use crutches or a walker to help you walk. Despite those, always be careful, a fall may lead to further, permanent, injuries. To keep your operated leg out to the side, use cushions between your legs or under your knee on the side of your new hip replacement in bed. When putting on shoes and socks, always use assistance gadgets. 

  1. Exercise 

Post-surgery our specialist will provide you specific instructions on what exercise you need to do everyday. Make sure you follow all her instructions. Daily movement and exercise can help you restore joint and muscle function. We can offer strengthening and mobility exercises, as per your individual needs, as well as teach you how to use a walking aid like a walker, cane, or crutches. You will be able to progressively increase the amount of weight you put on your leg as therapy advances until you are able to walk without assistance. 

  1. Use elevated seating. 

As mentioned before, bending during the early days of post-surgical freedom, you will need to use elevated seating to ensure you don’t hurt yourself or dislocate the new joint. Your body is still getting used to it and it is not ideal to have low seats. Make sure all your chairs, sofas and so forth are high. 

This includes your toilet seat. Under no circumstances should you use an Indian style toilet. Use a raised toilet seat or a bedside commode. You may get one from a local medical supply store or borrow one from a local community organisation. 

We understand how hard it can be to have a replaced hip. Surgeries can develop complications and even when successful, they can cause you some pain before they make you feel better. While most people are able to re-join normal life, for others it may be quite tough to live with. We at Radiance Hospitals understand how difficult it may be. This is why we have specialists at Radiance Hospitals who have the knowledge, education, training and licence to assist you during this difficult time. We work hard to ensure that while you may face hard struggles, you are never alone and always have a team that is ready to guide you and care for you through your journey. Book your appointment with Radiance Hospitals for the further guidance for surgery or post-hip replacement instructions.  


Written By : Radiance Hospital